Splatfest Revenge - Day 6 - Mafia Victory!

Yesterday I called out her reasons for being disgenuous as I’m unsure how anyone could read that as tmi and when I reread eveyrbing she’s done it feels like she’s just been pushing people who suspect her and trying to strongarm suspcion onto them

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maybe if I have some time later I’ll actually make that checklist lol

can’t wait for today to be entirely Caitlin v Fire

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Why did you kill Jamie rather than story
What did that achieve

I was getting cold feet on story specifically because of the fact that my internal coward was telling me to vote Jamie and you never went there once so I started to second-guess that you might secretly want her dead because she was sus of you

What did it achieve?

Well, considering Jamie wouldn’t have been replaced until N2 (I checked), it at least upped the average activity level

I do admit that is a shit accomplishment but I can’t change what I did in the past

I meant information wise. Jamie was a terrible kill, now we are going to sit here arguing with story and leafia.

tbf unless you’re implying we should have lynched leafia that part is still true regardless for me

and you’re right

and I’ve been out of the game for a bit and let myself get cold feet

I do believe I even specifically mentioned earlier that I would prefer to not lynch a lurker D1 but I let the cowardice win


Today alignment was more important for me AND leafia.

I’ll pull up quotes from 0lx now

are you talking about me or the actual today :sob:

Sorry, meant story

Taking dog out
Quotes will be paused until then
