Splatfest Revenge - Day 6 - Mafia Victory!

Have you read Litten’s case on them?
I can see it but then again Caitlin always SR me for SRing them on Discord
Like that’s not unlike t!Caitlin to do

at any rate

I thought that the suggested pair was cait/hazard

so I read their posts mentioning the other and I could see it lol

If we don’t resolve Story today I see a world where we go back to this tomorrow in a worse position.

Caitlin dying and flipping town not only hurts me allot because I strongly town read them but it puts us in jeopardy as we could lose town back to back and get into a spot where we have to vote mafia or we lose.

Consider this. What if we are wrong on both Caitlin and Story.

Well in this case here’s what could happen:

Caitlin gets executed
Litten gets night killed
Story gets executed
I get night killed
You get executed
Someone else gets night killed and now it puts town into what’s likely a loss.
Do you want that?

Just to clarify.
You wrong on Caitlin and we wrong that Story is a wolf.

I’m losing track of pairing at this point because you guys keep confusing them :confused:

this being said

I think the odds of all three of Cait/Story/Hazardwaste being scum is probably like 0% lol


I’m a big fan of being. night killed personally

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FTR Treasure I mentioned knowing you because Litten was going to use the fact that you know I’m a she for building a case on you or something
I just wanted things to be clear there
I think it would be more suspect if I kept my mouth shut about it

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Yeah I noticed 0lx saying she too so I was wondering

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I don’t

well, maybe “with you” would be more accurate


as in you and treasure both, to be clear :stuck_out_tongue:


Do you want me to vote you instead?


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As in 0lx and treasure

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But Caitlin also knew me since 2019
I thought Litten might be going there

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do I commit to the bit :cold_sweat:


then I misunderstood your intent at the time

or forgot

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