Splatfest Revenge - Day 6 - Mafia Victory!

i hate all of you
VOTE: Leafia

look at this

we’re winning


I can’t wait for achromatic to show up with ten seconds left.


[quote=“TodaysStory, post:4759, topic:6608, full:true”]

Because there’s a 80% chance of getting it and I was lucky

You would be lucky to get mafia if there was an 80% chance

Unsure if I should say this since it would stop w!Achro from doing it but if that happens then Achro does look sus

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do we move from cait or people move here?

I hate playing mafia so nah

I’m not moving to achromatic.


the game or the alignment

like they kinda low on my list but that’s largely because I think I haven’t paid them enough mind

kinda the opposite of haz in that respect

The alignment

How have you not paid attention to gar I literally told you you should

I like the game but I’m kinda liking it less as of late

My renewed hype I got over playing in champs is kinda dying down

new Omega Strikers update yday

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my char got a nice buff

insane post litten is town surely

Oh wait this means moving to Achro

I’d be down ofc

Achro is Luka’s replacement

How are Achro’s posts though? Cuz I uh didn’t rlly read the new ones-

Is this sarcasm btw

I town read both Gar and Hazard and if the world starts becoming hard you shouldn’t be killing into them you should start killing into achromatic Baker Cait or orange