Splatfest Revenge - Day 6 - Mafia Victory!

Seven phases means 14 deaths

With 14 deaths in a 15p game its just one alive

not with that attitude

we’re winning this shiz guys dw

i think we’ll lose closer to the 20th? I don’t think the game will go on till next year


If we kill two mafia
then we kill five town
we lose yeah

don’t worry we all get revived on the 10th

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I always expect to be voted out

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Leafia (2): Litten, orangeandblack5
homiecat (1): pyxxy
Caitlin (1): Luka
TodaysStory (1): tutuu
Luka (1): Caitlin
pyxxy (1): homiecat

Not Voting (8): Garfooled, PrincessAbigail, Treasure, Leafia, RoseRedWitch, JamieIsBored, TodaysStory, Hazardwaste

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I’ve defs said it as both i only started using it recently though

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How dafuq do i have 106 posts

I’m gonna go study for my final tmrw bye besties


Bye bye

I should go too

anyways im comfortable calling neon and fire both town for now

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jesus 528 posts if i dont backread now i will never

pyx/homie probably not w/w just by rvs cross voting

Me to Caitlin

I’m gonna catch up it’ll be fast than we can go on date

Me now am hour later with over 100 posts

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how many games have we actually been in together

also wow holy I’m pretty sure I’m about to hit a decade of internet mafia

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i was confused by this too lol. i read it very literally like - if u guys reach majority, day instantly ends in no chop. which is obv silly and not how they’d do it but that’s how it’d work if it was code given to a machine to parse

man I love posting random quotes, last time I only posted luka posts but I think leafia deserves some love with posting their posts too



Losing your memory in your old age?

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