Splatfest Revenge - Day 6 - Mafia Victory!


Pls everyone I’m totally town

I pwomise

Its like uh

Litten, Orange and Baker

The flips were fake


I do think it’s odd I wasn’t NK’d it might mean my reads on them were wrong but yday I tried to re-eval and I accidentally hammered a townie so like

Re-evaluation isn’t good for you!

I think I’ll start the vote this is hilarious.

VOTE: Caitlin


Don’t vote right away


Treasure voted me???

Now if she is town we LITERALLY lose. This is the WORST vote ever. But I will defs vote you soon cuz like if you’re town ppl can already hammer me and stuff


Caitlin (1): Treasure

Not Voting (6): Garfooled, Caitlin, Achromatic, pyxxy, RoseRedWitch, Hazardwaste

rip homiecat :/

Salmon Run was me Treasure Gar RoseRedWitch

reposting my explanation begging Treasure to understand

I don’t envy you having to find me here :/

I think the best I got is I was really tilted from getting tunneled and being set up for the next chop after Orange by Leafia

but truly I did believe my case on her, she came into D2 and D3 calling people town in ways that felt like TMI and then disappearing for EODs when her town picks actually end up getting chopped

also sorry I’m late I waited a bit in case of salmon but I just thought it wasn’t me this time

and also I was wrong. bad wrong

color VCA

color VCA. yes I know Caitlyn is outed but on principle I never color in non-flips

added homiecat rip homiecat

JamieIsBored (5): homiecat, Hazardwaste, baker, TodaysStory, orangeandblack5
TodaysStory (5): Garfooled, Litten, pyxxy, tutuu, Leafia
Luka (2): Caitlin, RoseRedWitch
Garfooled (1): JamieIsBored
baker (1): Luka
pyxxy (1): Treasure

TodaysStory (6): homiecat, RoseRedWitch, Treasure, Caitlin, orangeandblack5, pyxxy
Caitlin (4): Achromatic, Litten, baker, TodaysStory
homiecat (1): Leafia
Leafia (1): Garfooled

Not Voting (1): Hazardwaste

Hazard not voting here only looks bad now?
Achro voting Caitlin is interesting, I see it as the other half of distancing from D1 where Caitlin was voting Luka

orangeandblack5 (5): Leafia, Treasure, Achromatic, Caitlin, pyxxy
Caitlin (4): baker, homiecat, RoseRedWitch, orangeandblack5
Leafia (1): Garfooled
baker (1): Hazardwaste

Hazard off the main wagons again

D4 (not like it super matters):
Leafia (5): pyxxy, Achromatic, Treasure, RoseRedWitch, Caitlin
Caitlin (1): homiecat
Achromatic (1): Leafia

Not Voting (2): Garfooled, Hazardwaste

in short I fucked up bad

and uh


Alright wolf, what’s your solve then?

Lmao caitlin



here we go again


Its not me y’all

idk I told you in salmon run being wrong on leafia means I’m just lost this game and I’m sorry but like, I completely understand that you probably gotta chop me after Caitlyn

and I kinda just gave up once I felt like couldnt change your mind


no excuses no AtE though

I think maybe cait being outed just made me go meh about my efforts last night and into today

I’ve been asked to go on a walk
