Splatfest Revenge - Day 6 - Mafia Victory!

I already won the game

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This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever read

@tutuu have you ever randed mafia here

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90% accuracy

I’ve been wrong


You make me want to hammer Leafia out of spite

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You probably don’t get the context here.
That’s fine let me help you.

I vote on Litten for having a difference read on Litten/Caitlin and a town read on Orange without explanation.
Then I see Leafia as the top wagon and sigh and me like “seriously?” and I explain my thoughts:

Which is valid, I was trying to help you all read Leafia better and this conversation was about Leafia but Litten butts their tail in and says this:

Acting like what I said would ever apply to them, so me being the nice gal I gave them benefit of the doubt and said:

Which is where you were at.


Someone gets it

I asked,
They have not.

What if i said Treasure/Leafia/???.


Oh shit wait I’m not supposed to push anyone


You didn’t vote them, it’s fine.


I mean it’s a joke so

What about the reason after it

If i had a gun I’d shoot Leafia for funnies

Not at all and I’m surprised you don’t question the read yourself.
You agree with their difference check? You want to know more? So do I but you think it’s the most innocent thing ever for the person to not tell you?

Sure girl sure lmao.

Especially when they said this earlier and then I point it out and they give me the good ol saying of working smarter and not harder.

I’m the most towny town in this game tbh


I question what is smart about not giving an explanation.
Never said it had to be a good one or one that requires effort.