Splatfest Revenge - Day 6 - Mafia Victory!

I don’t see why you’d TMI someoen town (which, you can’t do if you’re town) and make TvS reads if you’re town

How is making TvS reads bad

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yeah I am slightly confused on how I managed to accomplish this as town

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tutuu is one of thos guys he loves his chaos. I can scare him into not doing that if you want he’s terrified of me because I’m a witch

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I said the team of specifically fire with neon and myself would win

I didn’t say fire would win just by virtue of randing scum

plz for my sanity take the extra moment to re-read my posts as they are written this happens constantly

Very accurate

This defs feels like one of those ‘Luka busses a teammate’

He also literally hopped off once Litten became the topwagon lmao

(The nullish part isn’t accurate though)

Maybe because you’re a wolf

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there was no chaos

there was no real attempt to generate chaos

there was certainly no attempt to glean anything from the chaos or lack thereof

the whole thing feels like he went “what would scum not do?” and then just posted that

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0lx is voting me because I said I wanted to murder them and they didn’t like that

I voted him as a joke

Because if theyre TvT it sets up two ML’s

Like me and Leafia are both very mislimmable slots, and I believe us to be TvT

So pushing that me and Leafia are TvS could cause us both to be voted out. Like if Leafia goes today, then Litten will go ‘so then it was Caitlin oops’ tomorrow and I’m miselimmed too → Litten gets 2 ML’s for mafia

he calls me superstitious but he’s the one scared of a witch


You’re assuming town sheep’s litten entirely without him providing reasons

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I know Neon was mentioned

But Neon is cute and town uwu

fwiw this tutuu discussion should also rope in fire because frankly my least favorite thing he’s done was respond to tutuu’s “slip” like he did


…ill go have a look. sorry I’m casualposting in thread right now as I study

Yeah I noticed that too lol.

Well your accusation of me and Leafia being TvS when we’re TvT is dumb and unexplained

Wait is this discussion about tutuu,litten or luka

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