Splatfest Revenge - Day 6 - Mafia Victory!

I have never played with ya. So its literally pure vibes. Didnt call you town. Just dont hate you <3

Why hello there good looking, whats cooking?

What would it say if luka flipped town. Who would that look good and bad for

Okays I’m gonna cook dinner bye bye

Sorry Orange and Litten for being kinda rude

I think your request to always make me quote stuff is rather annoying though, especially because I did quote Litten, and Litten also quoted himself like… right above

If ppl rlly hate my desire to vote in Orange/Litten then Ig I could switch back to Luka later >.>

VOTE: Orange
VOTE: Cait]/vote] [vote]Rose
VOTE: Luka
VOTE: Jamie
VOTE: Leafia
VOTE: Today
VOTE: Hazard
VOTE: Princess
VOTE: Tutuu
VOTE: Homie
VOTE: Treasure

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I think it’s a fair ask for me to make given the number of times you have specifically put words into my mouth

like I have no ill will towards you but it is going to make things a billion times easier for me to parse if I can just double-check them myself when you bring them up

enjoy your dinner :slight_smile:

You know oranges favourite post about you

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You know that one

wait that works???

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Why did you make that post

Mhm. What about it?

I town cleared myself.

I figured somebody would eventually ask but I was really hoping tutuu would take the opportunity to explain himself without prompting instead of launching into an entirely unasked-for readslist

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Back to reading

Uhhh … I … sweats profusely

I uhhhh …

Looks down on the floor

I … He-he-he-he twiddles thumbs

That was just a joke, hahahahahaha!


I mean thats fine. But was there like a lead up to it ir

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Did ya just say it and then leave


if you die for acting like this, will that be surprising to you

would it be at all upsetting

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Nah i shoot from the hip :cowboy_hat_face:

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