Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)


FoL the message isn’t empty I put a quote in it amongus

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thanks, I’ll take a look soon enough

Dis has stopped being completely unbearable
VOTE: Jarek

Hi Eliza. What do you think of my Zorvo case? You don’t have to like it, I’d just appreciate having some eyes on it.

Also, how would you follow up a Jarek flip, both for if they’re town or maf? Who would you go after, who would you suspect less - even a little “oh, maybe this person isn’t wolf with them” would be great.

i did not read it

magnus is probably TMI’d town if jarek is wolf

Eliza once again, tossing their vote w/o a read. This just screams scum lol.

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Well, Zorvo says it doesn’t exist, so you shouldn’t have any problem there. You’ve seen it all! Congratulations!

Disreputable sources may contradict this; they’ll tell you that the majority of the case is contained within posts #989 and #1070. Don’t listen.

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have you
read anything about my slot

I have re-evaluated your slot and based on what other people have said you have a reasonable enough point of view and consistent enough progression on my slot that I can believe if you are a wolf you’ve at least put some thought into the push you’re making.

I don’t think Zorvo’s angle of you being oppurtunistic quite works in that world. I don’t think a wolf whose oppurtunistic would be able to be consistent, whilst maintaining a town-vibe outlook at the same time.

The wagon on IHFM is absolutely low hanging fruit and I won’t accept any other arguments unless you claim mechanics on me.

VOTE: Zorvo

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Can you really call something a wolftell if I haven’t played yet two recent wolf games to actually compare? Leafia pointed out in ‘80s that I made a weird joke I supposedly wouldn’t have made as Town. So you’re at liberty to say “acting weird = wolftell” if you want.

Did you see my roleclaim, Jarek? I don’t think you would’ve, but it’s probably best to inform you that executing Zorvo would might actually hurt us.

Damn, this is really gonna hinder my ability to get a proper read on Zorvo, isn’t it. Obvious reason to stay off the wagon, one that works equally well for mafia and town. That sucks. I should probably push a different angle, huh… but I don’t wanna, Zorvo’s at the center of the game, no fair, why’s your fakeclaim have to ruin everything

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This is a joke I don’t actually particularly think Magnus’s claim is fake. As I’ve said I’m banned from mech spec

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Magnus - Seems to be acting exactly as I’d imagine Magnus to be as a townie. If they’re a wolf, they can be dealt with later - for now they’re helping the town not slank the entire time and have actively been making votes. If they are a wolf (they’re not I guarantee it) they’ll no doubt slip up later when this power-town attitude ends up biting them on the ass because they can’t keep it up.

Eliza - post #1134

May - I think they too have been acting how I’ve always seen them as town. I am an example that trusting people just because they’re acting how they usually would is not proof that they cannot be evil. But for now, They read good to me.

IHFM - Seems too obvious to be a wolf. Seems to be low hanging fruit. They’re very chaotic and depending on how you look at it they’ve outed themselves several times but it just seems…too good to be true. So It’s probably not true. So they’re town. Wolves would be way more aware of themselves and wouldn’t be making “mistakes” like these so this slot is likely just baiting and/or trolling but isn’t likely to be a wolf itself.

Marluna - This slot self-resolves one way or another eventually, I guarantee it. I don’t think the claim is the complete truth up-front but I don’t think it matters…Yet. Look at it later. Probably town for now though.


Cape - I haven’t looked at this slot much, but they did this big readlist that I’m doing and stuff. I guess. They don’t feel like public enemy number one so they can go in my list of people who I don’t want to vote. More on them later when I do my research.


Zorvo - They agreed with me on Eliza but to be honest it felt like an attempt to pocket my vote and get me to push against Eliza. I can’t say I’ve seen zorvo as a wolf yet, and they’re acting how I again would expect them as a town I think, but I dunno. Not comfortable, lets put it that way.

Lol - Kinda just exists. Hedged a read on me by saying I was town but they’re 100 percent incorrect on me thus far, as about the only notable think I’ve spotted.


Everyone else I got lazy.

Not being able to hammer doesn’t seem like a huge deal, maybe. It’s not big enough that I’m not gonna vote people (sorry)

@Magnus, could you maybe give us a tierlist of who you currently think would be a good or bad execution for the day? I know you’ve put out a readlist, but it’s a little outdated, and it’s also not necessarily an execution-list, especially with your role, you know?

Wolves are beancat, Zorvo, italy and Jaiden as my early game shot in the dark prediction

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Think about it this way: is executing Zorvo today, which will effectively make me a tree stump (Mafia could kill me later, but that’s assuming I’m not killed) the ideal path forward? Is Zorvo the best info flip, is Zorvo the most likely to flip Mafia? You’re looking for a balance, we aren’t scumhunting D1.

I’ll just bus my teammates and use that towncred to carry me to the end.

I specified what I meant later, because Zorvo made the same error. If that player is executed, I lose my ability to cast deciding votes. Practically voteless, but I can still “vote” during the day, if that makes sense?

It worked for me :stuck_out_tongue:

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