Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

Ironically all you’re doing is tunneling, can you make any other read besides me LOL. Like show me why you’re not wolf at all.

Unless you’re a vengeful townie, which you don’t even seem to be fakeclaiming…

We aren’t executing Italy based solely on your word, lol. If you’re right and we’re wrong, you can lord your read over us in spec chat.

are we even having the same conversation

No way a townish player would stick on another player w/o an actual read.

this is a read
the read is that you’re spouting bullshit

Clearly all you’re good at this game is

  1. Gaslighting
  2. Tunneling

That’s my read on you, where’s your read of mine


Oh that makes me scum because I used a vocab word more than 5 letters, mb didn’t know

Sorry you couldn’t understand basic terms

Don’t hammer, please.

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You’re too handsome to die :pleading_face:

how about this
someone comes in, supposedly new to mafia
they “miss” a blatant joke that even the most meme-numb players got
then they begin using mafia terminology like they’ve played before
bs or are their wolfmates coaching them?
they post textbook tmi and then say it was bait
drop incomprehensible setup reads based around useless mech providing nothing but blatantly wrong time consuming speculation
they omgus read their pushers as hard as they can
utilize textbook wolf plays
and here’s a bit of ad hominem from you just now

that’s a fucking wolf and i’m not going to shitpost my way around it

I think this is devolving into personal insults territory

woah there, lotta big words fella.



ad hominem
the attack of someone instead of their argument
in case you were wondering

Ad hominem means when you pick an attribute apart from a person to defeat their argument.

“What does he know about economics? He s literally unemployed.”

attacking a person’s character or personal traits in an effort to undermine their arguments
i have a list up always

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Could you for my sake ( I am lazy ) post times you think they have TMI’d I’ve seen one thing but like just for me (And everyone else) post everything you think is damning so I can see it all in front of me at once

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Anchoring bias

“The anchoring bias, or focalism, is the tendency to rely too heavily—to “anchor”—on one trait or piece of information when making decisions (usually the first piece of information acquired on that subject”

This is pretty much all stemmed from you thinking I’m a “new player” or “alt”, making u heavily prejudiced towards anything I say.

someone comes in, supposedly new to mafia
they “miss” a blatant joke that even the most meme-numb players got

I don’t play FM often, and how is this relevant at all to your read on me?

using mafia terminology like they’ve played before

Notice how I said I don’t play FM often. It’s pretty much guaranteed that I’ve played at least one FM game in the past.

bs or are their wolfmates coaching them?


they post textbook tmi and then say it was bait

Refer to my posts #554 #474 #465 @Jarek (This are the posts I made where I’m blatantly baiting)

drop incomprehensible setup reads based around useless mech providing nothing but blatantly wrong time consuming speculation

I haven’t seen you try to solve at all, at least I’m making an attempt to lol.

they omgus read their pushers as hard as they can

Refer to my soft push on @Lemonfairy in #395

utilize textbook wolf plays

Again, you are pulling this excuse of “textbook wolf plays” as evidence whenever you want at your convenience to try to justify a lame and lazy read.