Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

/dayvig lol


its funnier if i dont say

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Alright, gang, Mahjong Monday is over, and I won the last round by like one million points, and that’s with us having to end it early. Thanks to that, I am full of unearned (earned?) confidence. (Also, someone got 13 orphans in literally the first hand. Normal game.)

Jaiden is funny, so she’s obv town. If she ever fails to be funny at any point, she is outed wolf. The pressure is on, bitch.

I’m happy with Magnus’s attempts to push this game into something that tangibly exists, at least for now, and I think that’s townie enough. I also think their vote is pretty reasonable and good, maybe even epic. I’ll toss a vote in that direction. VOTE: Jarek

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We do be skipping RVS today.

So to get this straight I’m being voted because I look townie.

And this is a vote you decided to vote on because you agree? Why? Should I start acting suspicious and throwing out blatantly stupid newbie statements when I am clearly not new any more and have grown as a player? Magnus has his reasons and I can see where he’s coming from but their vote on me is not reasonable nor good.



Magnus looking townie

If you’re talking about May’s vote

Magnus’s reasoning is that I look too confident and/or townie meaning that conversely I am a wolf

May is agreeing with that reasoning which I disagree with heavily

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This looks like scum imo
It’s like he made this up and justified it later

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We have signs of life.
Don’t worry, I don’t tend to vote on the early wagons I’m invested in.

@Marluna is your role called Miller Diplomate?

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To be clear, you think this makes Jarek look like scum?

lol. No it doesn’t.

I made up my own defense? What?

It’s not a hard scum, it’s just a thing I noticed


Here’s what happened; since I apparently know your wolfrange, I wanted to ping you. So I read your past games and compared entry posts to justify my vote in an intentionally poor way to judge your reaction, and then realised there was an actual connection with when you claimed Town or not. Stick with challenging that argument, not the first one.

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No like
You came up with the take first and justified it later

That’s what it reads like

Alright, thank you! Just wasn’t sure if you were referring to Jarek or Magnus there.

What are your thoughts on Magnus’s original case on Jarek - you’ve expressed that you think it’s townie, but do you think it actually carries any real weight, or is your read on Jarek solely based on the reactions and defense given to that case?

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I don’t think I did?

We know you were thinking it, though.

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Oh I was thinking that jarek got himself confused for may in this post