Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

And yeah I am just scumreading people who say I’m evil. If people actually had a reason I could see the point of view of I’d be less likely to do so.

Right now their reasons are “because Magnus said so!” and “Because you misunderstood what I was saying and you’re clearly evil because you’re defending yourself omg!”

i will be back tomorrow to post more memes
stay tuned

Fair. Fair.

I can appreciate Zorvo calling back the whole Gorta treestump thing


Magnus is popping in an awful lot then

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Spec chat of GOAT^2.

At least w!May and w!Eliza were so forthcoming as to jump on the same wagon at the start of the game because of a random metacase I made in thirty seconds.

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Jarek is voting May.
The Good Vote.

legit you still don’t understand what im saying and im 90% sure you’re faking it at this point
(that’s just confbias seaking tho i don’t actually think its 90%)

must have been under an alt then, I was a bit on tilt of being misvoted in that game tbf

I don’t and you never explained it to me and voted me so I can’t pretend I ever understood


I was just proven wrong on the internet.

Were you O.kazo? That’s the only name I would’ve thought was an alt.


Well I already explained why that’s the case and any game with me in it ever will prove what I say town or mafia so it’s NAI and not something to vote me for

You know honestly I think their interaction looked like potential theatre I just didn’t state it cause it’s more of a gut read.

im not saying “you’re defending yourself” like you think i am

But like a Gut read that was a ping rather then a “oh I feel this”.

They look alligned to me

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