Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

What do you see in May that I don’t

What is the basis of your PoE? What interactions form its bedrock? I know other people say your process is incomprehensible, but usually I don’t find that the case… but right now, I just… don’t really get why this is the angle from which you are solving. We tend to work in very similar ways, and that way isn’t just “put five people in a PoE and declare it done”.

I never once suspected FM disliker though


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I stand up for the chaotic supremacy

I’ll tell you what my miss execution will indicate.

It’ll indicate that the town is absolutely blind sighting and can’t realize that mafia have been in a good position today and more likely then not just lingering on town wagons like me, Magnus and Dislike FM.

People aren’t even trying to go for the wolves like I swear you all are just accusing anyone who is on the right track of things, wolves like that cause they can win.

I would say for town to follow my legacy if I die but guess what, I don’t think they will.

I’ve honestly fucking had it with this shit, vote a fucking wolf please. This isn’t being emotional I’m just irritated that you have been lingering all day and no one has bothered to think of where the wolves will be positioning themselves here.

Then we got Silviu who IF town, doesn’t have any fucking idea who a wolf is cause I’m the only person he thinks is a wolf when I know I am town.
There is also more then one wolf so Silviu IF your town you need to get your act together and figure out who your miss clearing.

I’m heading off now, please don’t miss execute me here.
If I get back and I got more votes on me I WILL full claim.

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I really want to know if somebody townread Zoro and then Zoro to return the favor put them as town aswell.

Listen, I know I’ve not been playing particularly well this time around, but this game has definitely gone off the rails. We’re all exhausted, but I think we can still work in a logical manner… if we try. Zorvo, regardless of my scumlean on him, is right - we’re not even trying to go for wolves.

I think right now, I’d like to see readlists from people, if only as a collective exercise to organize our thoughts and think about the game as a whole.

Townread: Cape90, Italy, IDFM
Townlean: Silviu, Jaiden, Eliza
Neutral: Neon, Jarek, Marluna
Scumlean: Magnus, Zorvo, beancat

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I’d say that May, Neon, Italy, Cape and Dislike FM are all the most obvious towns even if is not set in stone and that matters for the late game anyways, to finally turn the tides against a permanent mafia win record in history.

Wow I wrote something philosophical, spec chat can you please clap for me thanks

Zone I hope you aren’t trolling me in there, I will get mad and then you will write “ok” in retaliation

Hey May why are you scumreading Mag?

Considering what happened in Valorant with Eliza and how many times I got myself myslynched, I can really say that how you craft your public image that will be ultimately on you, even if you are to be considered a LHF.

Though this makes me have doubts now, I never seen Zoro being angry, but like frantic as wolf

God, none of these wagons are even great

And not all people are here to start another wagon

I don’t understand their motives for the Semi-Priest fakeclaim in the slightest - sure, claiming a -EV role is good in the abstract, but why that role? Why pick Zorvo and Jarek as “golden children”? Why run with it until the moment there where Jaiden pressured them? The exact way they made up this role and its details feels more like a mafia fakeclaim than a town one to me, though I could be wrong.

Outside mechanics, I’ve also had them down as potential scum in my book since the start of the game - their “power town” attitude feels like what someone who just randed wolf after playing GOAT would do. My understanding of the social dynamics of this game isn’t super advanced, though, since I’ve been so absent, so I don’t know how set in stone this read is.

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Or am I like being swayed by something that can be done by pretty much anyone?


I’ll do this for now, Jesus.

@Neon Are you here

evening gentlepeople
i hav no battery

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