Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

Oh, time passed while I was typing this. Three minutes.

VOTE: I_Dislike_FM

Nah town isn’t this. They are just an agent trying to cause chaos


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opportunism to jump from someone who didn’t flip mafia to someone who didn’t flip mafia

get this nuisance out of here they are just openwolfing

If he’s not actually reading it (in which case SAD, no commitment to the bit, my jokes are funnier if he does), here’s a quick summary of that which is relevant to the game at the moment:

Unexpected contents

Other tasks have been developed to try to extend the false-belief task. In the “Unexpected contents”, or “Smarties” task, experimenters ask children what they believe to be the contents of a box that looks as though it holds a candy called “Smarties”. After the child guesses (usually) “Smarties”, it is shown that the box in fact contained pencils. The experimenter then re-closes the box and asks the child what she thinks another person, who has not been shown the true contents of the box, will think is inside. The child passes the task if he/she responds that another person will think that “Smarties” exist in the box, but fails the task if she responds that another person will think that the box contains pencils. Gopnik & Astington found that children pass this test at age four or five years.[68]

VOTE: I_Dislike_FM

I wonder what words IDFM would be eating if it was the other way around

Hello guys, I forgot to mention in my modpost that this is literally my only ability. So I’m practically vanilla now.

Because with lol’s content, it really could have been, their logs were pretty similar

Anyway, I wasn’t supposed to even engage with the game tonight beyond answering questions on the readlist I posted, so I should probably be off now, given I’ve exceeded the expected quota greatly by now. Solving will be back on the table once everyone talks to me about the text I put out there, because I have zero confidence in my reads if they’re not peer-reviewed. If nobody else comments on them I will assume I am 100% right and I am SO insufferable when I think I’m 100% right so don’t let that happen


Why does ElizaThePsycho voting Jarek?
The rest of the votes I can see a reason behind them based on D1 Interactions…

But Eliza voting Jarek is a big question mark for me at the moment.

Eliza said it was to get the wagon going again

seems like a continuation of #99 perhaps. With #74, #84, #114 #118, #237, #249, and #1127 being… most of Eliza’s posts/case on Jarek.

So yeah seems consistent with her world tbh

I also say most because some stuff was missed, but major things were included

Nevermind, I read Eliza’s ISO.
And now I see where the main reason for Gorta execution came from.
I don’t see why anyone wanted to save that slot after that wall post from them, which is objectively falls apart on closer inspection…
Even if it came from a low-poster.

Altough I still don’t agree with their Jarek’s read, but it is suspicios that Magnus’ role gave a “protection” to a player with a relative reasonable scumread on them.

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Hello cape. Do you have any reads as you’re confirmed town? :joy_cat:

After their read on Eliza, I objectively refuse to categorize them as LHF. It is way more effort from them than any previous game I remember from them.

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Town will lose, so here’s my wolves

Cape90 / May / Magnus

Throw Eliza in there if cape90 happens to be town

So you were fake claiming?
Or am I miss understanding your claim?

Cape is literally confirmed town. Lol tried to desperado shot him early Day

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Yes, I think your first solve is wrong.
I’m willing to bet my entire mafia carrier that there is a town in there.

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