Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

Please keep this post in mind for the endgame

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thats uh
really interesting idfm

I’m town. You voting me will only make town lose.

Keep in mind that you clearly are pushing for wolves to win by voting me

Do not fear, because I shall not announce my spill of blood against a fellow fate sharer as same as me

VOTE: Magnus

@Silviu200530 whats your reads like now

Neon intense town
May intense town
Magnus intense town
Cape confirmed town (I knew it)
FM Disliker lean town
Marluna lean town
Jaiden null (I do appreciate you working, but I do not know how to feel about it, it did not occur for me to see you actually do stuff in previous games, maybe I’m opening my eyes for the first time)
Italy null
Bean null
Eliza null
Zorvo slight mafia

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Neon has a clear tell: Her frustrations

this feels quite mean >:(
i didnt do much my last few games but i can do stuff
(even if said stuff is mostly me getting annoyed at people)


okay why is magnus town

If it makes you better, I would think to lynch you last

Magnus is doing long posts that I do not read

I feel Cape and Magnus are doing the same thing by trying to scroll and comment on whatever is on, that’s all.

I’m not that productive this game, I’m sorry.

@Jaiden @Italy @Neon hammer me so we can speed this up

may i ask why

May: Why on what?

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I want out

oh youre throwing cool

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