Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

also hey, I’m here now

I just copy-pasted it because of peer pressure. If all your friends jumped into a mafia thread by making fun of someone’s roleclaim…

people die when they are killed

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I_Dislike_FM is a slot, I feel like #178 might have meant 121 and not 119, and if so, I am accusing of stealing my certified read. I don’t wolfread or townread the slot but I think they kinda just talked a lot of one liners, then left and only really got acknowledged by Magnus

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This was my reaction too, when I saw my Rolecard. Like wtf…

Also my ability won’t work on xylo.

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Apperantly I’m not.

I am not sure that we were making the same point then, since what you just said is a general statement that could just apply at any time in the game

From an outsider perspective, would you believe your role (the diplomat part) could be given to a member of the Mafia, or would that be hideously unfair?

So there are two possibilities here (well, three, but… one’s unlikely).

  1. Luna is making an obviously false claim to reaction test/take refuge in audacity.
  2. Luna is making this bizarre claim to cover up something - she won’t die when she is killed for whatever reason, and she wants to pretend that’s because of this nonsense role.
  3. Luna… actually has this role? (Not thinking about this one.)
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I see, guess that 4th and 5th posts Marluna made makes what she said believable. I don’t see why mafia claims this immediately.
Mention of xylo = somewhat towny.

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It’s called Hollow Man.

I don’t know what does that mean, btw…

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Oh. Are we allowed to claim flavour?

This is not the flavor.

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It’s my role’s name.

I know that role. It’s on Mafiawiki.

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Note that I am banned from role speculation because I am wrong literally every time I make a statement about what is or isn’t a plausible role. Every time.


I looked it up apparently it’s lynch immune but dies to investigatives

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Marluna’s claiming Miller. If it’s a revised version of the original role, it’s suddenly believable.

So it’s a Miller…

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Also on the same page of mafia wiki

So, I really got the wrong end of the stick…