Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

You actually missed both Zorvo and May’s names, for some reason. You have Lol in your list.

Press X to doubt

WHAT!? :joy:


Town of Salem player detected.

Zorvo could be mafia here, until you flip idk.

I can also see a scum team with May on Zorvo, both have been acting similar.


I’m not really intending to flip, if I’m being honest.
If Jarek wants to shoot me that’s his prerogative as his power role, but since I have the weapons of my vote and my voice I may as well see about playing the game.

Magnus failed his failed role claim, now he’s softing TI. Boohoo.

Btw you still havent mentioned the racial class

Here’s what’s going to happen, if magnus doesn’t get lynched here I am outed.

That means that I will die by mafia.

I’m not flavour claiming, lest of all because you’re telling me to. Find someone else to bully.

I thought I was a wildcard.
Where am I?

Okay I have a foolproof way of deducing if both of you are what you claim:

@Magnus I want you to say the racial class, and because @Jarek is claiming even night doc, I want him to confirm it first.

Why? I can then confirm if what Jarek is saying is correct, confirming both Magnus’ and Jarek’s claims.

I thought I was town

Where am I?



I’d agree with this tbh.
As I said I want Neon executed.

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Question, what do you think of Magnus’ Jarek push at the beginning of the day?

Magnus you by not accepting my conditions lets me know everything I need to know about you.