Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

Either way, IDFM gets to be proven wrong in front of everyone here.

Are you destroying the WinCon or reaching to the WinCon?

Reaching win con

That image just gives me more questions then answers

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i dont want to be stuck with this :frowning:


VOTE: I_Dislike_FM

my vote didn’t count last time(?)

I know how to play as cape, I skip reading everything and vote out the one guy that’s been greenchecked.

Are you all really disregarding Italy’s greencheck on IDFM? Have you all just decided to disbelieve him?

someone meta read if this is what w!cape or 3p!cape does

Cape was greenchecked and you placed him in your POE.

Stop voting with Neon and vote Neon.

Give me a good reason why your not a wolf with Neon?

You realize Magnus straight up admitted to lying about his role right?

Probably not be cause I still don’t think you read the thread at all.


I’ve decided the role makes no sense. Yeah. There’s just no chance.

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He’s been greychecked. Read the fine print. As long as they’re mafia

It doesn’t mention if the target is 3p.

You think it’s 2 Neutrals and 3 Mafia then?

In fact, a 3p Cape90 would explain everything on why he’s not reading.

More than likely 3 neutrals.

sigh whats the claim

Why do you believe Cape’s 3P? Because you disagree with him, or…?
Besides, you still placed him in your wolf solve initially, so the point holds.