Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

Italy rolecopped IDFM as Odd Slank Doc, who went on you over Lol last night (his two choices).

Italy “green checked” them

well yes I am aware of this

and my answer was “fuck that”

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youre the undisclosed protective arent you

Surely either that or TI, because there’s no other way I’d have that information unless I gleamed it from someone’s commentary over the last two days.

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holy shit its like you want to die


If that’s the only thing they have going for them im still for the idea that Italy/IDFM are lying

what’s the case for Zorvo?

I softed wincon-altering neutral as Town in UFO, it’s nothing out of the ordinary for me.

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magnus for the love of god

Maybe this is why I’m always an early wagon every game as Town.

On an unrelated note, do you pronounce ‘data’ like ‘dah-ta’ or ‘day-ta’?




We have twenty minutes and you could’ve answered that question in the time it took for you to refuse to answer that question, Jaiden.
It’s my legacy question.

Reads: Most of you type too much…


May - Long posts are very towny. Pushing Magnus today is not the angle I expected from May of all people today so that’s probably good. I don’t think the 2 are w/w based on interactions tbh. Good WIM. I liked May’s Zorvo push along with #1145 and #1381. Calls Magnus either obvious scum or not scum at all :wowee:. Thought process looks not forced so I am comfy putting this here.

Jaiden - Yeah that’s right. I think Jaiden is sassy town at this point. Feels solvy and not like they are throwing too much shade I guess. I don’t think I would fully trust Jaiden with leading or anything like that, but I do feel okay about Jaiden just being town here.


Magnus - I feel like I am missing something here, was Magnus FORCED out of his fake claim at any point? #334 directed at Gorta is just really weird if Magnus is mafia, so is the meta thing that Magnus did on Jarek in like the first hour or so. IDFM’s playstyle was not helping me find this slot as scummy. Magnus has not been hedgy that often, but occasionally so I suppose.

Zorvo - Probably just putting here for the Silviu’s town case with the whole meta thing (i think it was silviu). And the way Zorvo flavor claimed to me. I am not even sure if flavor claiming is a thing that is AI since it’s allowed tbh but i wouldn’t know either way.

Jarek - Read over him many times, still feels like he is solving in a towny way, probs most towny on the IDFM wagon if I had to pick. Responds to pressure pretty well. But apparently has wolf win rate of 100% so.

Italy - Rolecop claim, checked IDFM which goes along with day 1 I suppose, then 180ed on IDFM which also makes sense especially given his explanation about why IDFM is town given his role. Yeah I think this slot is okay but probably one of the last people I would pocket, I am sorry.


IDFM - Doesn’t have a great role. Role speculation has me in a bit of doubt and it’s more then just what’s public. Would we lose much if this was exe’d? Probably not. If IDFM is town, would he be very easy for mafia to push on because of the way he is playing? Yeah. Are the combination of beancat/Eliza/Jarek forming the wagon on IDFM slightly concerning? If I am being honest, yes. Has role apparently confirmed by Italy’s rolecop claim so there is that.

Silviu - If I had to attribute something, I guess most of the time they feel reasonable, you know? Not the most detailed player. I guess I can say I don’t really get opportunism vibes from them. Kind of feel like a mediator. I feel like pushes are lackluster though in like, actual cases or something. Just feels like something is missing.

Neon - Secret read feels towny. I feel like solving hasn’t been super what I would want it to be, feels a bit narrow in terms of who Neon even really cases if she cases anyone at all. Look at the lackluster #1993 for instance, normally a readslist would at least have more meat to it by that point. Someone said something about Neon being town for towny emotions, we will see.

beancat - Just wish they had more content, because it’s fine and i feel like I could read them better if they had more of it. Not w/w with Eliza or IDFM and that’s basically it. Almost anyone can be beancat’s wolf partner. And who knows, I could be wrong about partner things cuz i suck at them


ElizaThePsycho - I cannot escape the tunnel after looking back augh. Skill issue. Also if this is mafia, IDFM is town. I like Eliza’s post on #3197.

Marluna - The claim the claim, yeaaaah idk. I mean it’s best not to eliminate her because of it, but there isn’t anything I can say looks towny otherwise from the slot.


had 2 rush it, not in order

i refuse
just like you refuse to let me try and fix this mess youve made

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but did highest > lowest poster

i have you know cape, i was a great leader in my time
maybe im a lil rusty but its in my heart

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I don’t take responsibility for the spillage. I had it under control until someone jostled me, this isn’t on me.

You thought you TI’d me or something, hence why I phrased this as such.