Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

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if magnus doesnt agree to protect someone receiving feedback hes gotta die today btw
thats the only way

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@Magnus pinging you so you know shits gonna go down

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everybodies goneeeeeeeee

i have so much energy for this thread rn


maybe if i should tinfoil ways to solve world hunger instead

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explain to me why and I will

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There’s a loyal bodyguard in the game which implies a town killing exists, I am impyling I am that town killing

I understand that
Why is the existence or a nonexistence of another town killing important in any way

@beancat do you have a role which could visit someone tonight

Because May is pushing a world where I am evil for some reason because I shot Eliza and nobody else died.

May is saying that proves I’m a mafia claiming the factional as part of my town killing ability.

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May wants to know if you’re also a town killing because May wants to disprove me being the only town killing

I see
Wouldn’t just taking the example of lol be enough

I’d rather not say anything about my role if at all possible

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Basically there’s a loyal bodyguard (Loyal being a modifier that means their ability fails on non-town) I am saying that because I am a town killing this modifier prevents the BG from ever saving a mafia from my attack, thus it makes sense for the loyal modifier to be a thing with my role as context

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May wants to disprove me by saying there’s another TK out there somewhere.

I think May is just mafia but I’m following their logic to disprove it anyway because I’m right

actually nvm i was hard overcomplicating this

also lol shot the loyal bodyguard so they’re probably legit

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I fail to see either reasoning as sound
An additional TK is not the only reason that the loyal modifier would exist, as something like a redirector would also benefit from a loyal bodyguard. So not having an additional TK would not prove that you are indeed TK
On the other side an additional TK would not immediately disqualify you from actually being a TK; rather, the more TKs the more likely it is for a loyal bodyguard role to be useful

I only see this as a way to try and rolefish

Yeah so do I I just think May is evil but like

I was following the logic to it’s logical conclusion