Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

might i remind you, this is 16 player rolemadness
and it also got past review, so you’re spewing absolute nonsense

Is your entire case “discussing mechanics in a closed setup, Mafia obviously roleblocked a one-shot investigative for no reason, no-killed to specifically frame you”?

I’d just jailkeep Jaiden if I was Town and get myself “confirmed”.

Wow, slip.
Meant Maf.

your entire case has no structure other than your jailkeep claim in the first place
you can’t even create a coherent argument because you get torn down until you run away from thread for ten minutes or try and deflect my arguments with “shut up you’re wolf”

you thought you could push an easy ml
you got the special

Sure, that’s the whole premise. You were towncleared before I tried that pathetic excuse of a trick.

Ok so I might change my vote to Italy here.

Cause technically if they are a wolf it has to be with CRichard or Marluna.


Would be my solve in an Italy wolf world.

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so what you’re saying is

you think i’m the deepwolf
but also that i carried the nightkill

that’s fucking stupid

I figured you would always carry the nightkill if you were Mafia, yeah.
Especially since I was supposedly jailing the Watcher, so there’d be no risk. CRichard must have a strong role if you were willing to save him and you’re partnered D2, so he’d be doing that and you’d be carrying the kill.

I mean, I could say this same thing about being pushed D1 and D2 both, but not executed.

while i go ahead and fuck around looking for the footage, here’s a picture from DGADT
would you like to guess what perfect claim the neutral killer had to fit in with these other low power roles?


no conditions
no x-shot
just bloodhound

and they let him coast to endgame

i pushed on that slot for 3 days straight before they shot me
i know how to sniff out such a blatant power gap like magnus is claiming

Your example shows a fakeclaim, whereas my jailkeep was confirmed by Jaiden’s info and your own feedback. Even if I’m Mafia, it’s not a fakeclaim.

but i’ve already said that mafia get stronger roles
if town would get a conditional jailkeeper then mafia get a full one

derpclear denied