Yeah. And we are the federation
Why ash?
End of Day 1 Votecount
Luka (12): IcetFeelsPain, Zugzwang, Jarek, Bionic, Arctic, tutuu, Sadbi, benguinedparbecue, May, Stick, Apprentice, an_gorta_slanktai
IcetFeelsPain (7): Frostwolf103, Kiiruma, Sneakyphoenix, Luka, Clara, otterpopd, guavagudetama
Frostwolf103 (2): neil_the_eel, Cape90
benguinedparbecue (2): Ash, Treasure
neil_the_eel (2): BradLand, RoseRedWitch
Ash (1): baker
Jarek (1): Haze_with_a_Z
Not Voting (3): Leafia, Someone, iamagummybear
reserved for flavor
@Luka has been executed! They were…
Imperial Cult Empire
Galactic Community Cop
Fund Inquisition (Night) - Learn target player’s alignment. - Infinite uses
Night 1 begins to end 2023-12-20T19:00:00Z. Actions lock 2 hours beforehand; be sure to get them in!
whatever the new name for waleep is event is being calculated now, prize(s) soon
also new event annoucement coming after
Event Annoucement
Be Funny
Players: Infinite
Death: No
Duration: However long you want to spend on it before night ends
Mobile Friendly: Yes!
Other Notes: (Asynchronous Event, Winner will Not be publicly announced)
Be Funny
Bring a… good sense of humour.
- In one post, of up to 500 characters, with an image counting for 100 characters, be funny.
- The funniest ranked person wins.
- Join by submitting something funny in your rolecard or discord PM, and make it clear that it’s for the event.
A player has made the following announcement
defend cop
A player has made the following announcement
save arcy
A player has made the following annoucement
A player has made the following annoucement
sorry guys
A player has made the following annoucement
funny haha
A player has made the following annoucement
Effective immediately, @KILLIZA is substituing @Sadbi.
You may discuss this replacement, specifically.
@benguinedparbecue has died in the night! They were…
Detox Empire
Galactic Community Strongwiller
Detoxify (Night) - Target player’s actions are guranteed to succeed tonight. - Infinite uses
Embellish (Night) - Target player will have actions against them be guaranteed to succeed tonight - 2 uses
@Apprentice has died in the night!
We could not determine Apprentice’s role.
@Jarek has died in the night! They were…
Executive Vigor Empire
Galactic Community Vote Gambler
Monetary Fuel (Passive) - You may hold up to a total of four votes. You may use all your actions in the same cycle.
Glaring Weaponization Flaw (Passive) - By Day 4, your total hold will by reduced to 2. By Day 5, your total hold will be reduced to 1.
Excess Grant (Day, D1) - During the first 12 hours of the day, choose a player. If they die via execution or event, gain a vote. - 1 use
Overclock (Night) - Transfer 1-3 votes into re-industralization. You will gain a 2% advantage in war, and a 1% less chance of dying via war declaration, per vote spent. - Infinite uses
Fund Edict (Night) - Target a player. If they die tonight or tommorow, permanently gain +1 vote weight. - Infinite uses
@Arctic has died in the night! They were…
Shadow Council Empire
Galactic Community Tracker
Shadow Council (Passive) - You know that the Crisis factional kill is unassigned.
Espionage Operation (Night) - Learn who target player visits. - Infinite uses