Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Day 4 (12/30)

okay was i reading the wrong messages or is this push for a frostwolf train 9 mins before day end really weird and sudden

No you were omgussing me in place of bionic. So when I was sussing them for power wolfing you were sussing me for that

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cop is generally pick a person each night to find out their alignment yeah

Agreed with all of these :curtain:

Well, he’s claiming that his role only works from N2 on.

xD fair nuf. resolve tomorrow but like meh

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I mean I think luka’s prob lying regardless of alignment?

he corrected it to only not working n0

@Luka if you’re still here what was your event prize

i cant imagine a reason that makes sense for that

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I forgot who exe was besides their pfp

oooh okay

i understand now

well, i am town. sorry if im wrong about bionic being town or you being mafia. we’ll see how the game goes :stuck_out_tongue:

i mean, are they uncommon in mashes? i remember seeing one in the halloween mash


still 7 minutes to kill otter today

no he said he didnt get a n0 check, so it works from n1+

There was an infinite shot alignment cop in FAM3 it’s just that. Well. They were the May role

You are def wrong about the latter and the former I’m unsure after Tunneling them with combination of somethingluka did

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only 3 votes on frostwolf :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Oh 7 minutes to day end?