Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Day 4 (12/30)

im not talking about that post. read d1, she softs that she has a role that will make her die early

ok lemme check that

/I love crime!! @GalacticCouncil


weh it’s enough that I’d probably be willing to go zug first yeah

zugz did confirm that

GOD DAMNIT COUNCIL YOU HAD TO HOST AN EVENT WHEN I’M LITERALLY ABOUT TO TAKE A BREAK BC MAFIA HAS ME TRMEARING MY HAIR OUT RN? Whatever XD I’ll catch y’all tomorrow I’m losing my mind here. I hope Neil or Bionic is exe’d but don’t hold much hope.

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3 hour minigame hype

Haha there’s a chance we didn’t wagon a single Mafia there

  1. Someone
  2. tutuu
  3. Ash
  4. baker

one more person is needed for at least an hour of pure fun.

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gun gun gun

I mean 2 and 1 vote isnt really a wagon

ash claimed a vig shot right?

it was on town so not provable but I think kp numbers and targets make sense for them to be town

like other targets aside from maybe me were def scum kills

thats just shooting in the dark

I really don’t see why you continue to tunnel Neil when he got silent ITAd and a likely wolf tried murdering him too

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i mean yeah but most silent shots are generally from mafia xD

I’m inclined to think Clara’s role is townie

i suppose

i have no further clarification of how that works

do you think killiza should be killed?

ah ok