Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Day 4 (12/30)

Hey someone can you give me a read at all


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tutuu: confirmed modposter + claimed ITA protector + same alignment as Kiiruma
zug: inventor of 3 different items - used first item on arctic for neighbor chat
baker: checked tutuu+kiiruma found positive result + got temporarily vanilized until start of d4
kii: claims locked 5% chance to kill or die in ITA - directly CCing IceT rolecard + same alignment as Tutuu (checked by baker)
clara: confirmed puppetmaster on sabi + received a gun from someone
ash: claimed vig shot on benguin N1


bark more

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Or is confusing when picked 2 as opposed as when it was baker’s turn to be president? Idk



Because if I’m understanding correctly baker should have received fascist/liberal to pick from

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i meant @Someone (do they have a nickname?) because I skimmed theyre iso and I dont think I saw any reads

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Rn I think Clara is evil, its why I gave them the gun

I create neighborhoods for others


its possible its the other way to but that makes even less sense

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i swear i had fascist/fascist/fascist idk this game and you guys bullied me on the paintings/diamonds game too :sob:

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No we are talking about when you were chancellor not president

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You could have’had 3 as president

But not as chancellor


oh you mean that

yeah i picked fascist but i had no idea what i am doing

what were the 2 cards

I rest my case

at least one wolf between clara and baker 100%


at this point im thinking it might be both of em