Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Day 4 (12/30)

Unless it’s to vote sleep :heart:

Pandora has beat many allegations over the years. One thing I know about her is she will beat an allegation

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I am anti-war propaganda
I hate fighting
I love mulch

My brain is genuinely fried I spent Four Point Five Hours in a car today being talked at about alternative medicine by my Mother’s Friend. Right after an 8AM final. So

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I’m going to sit right here in thread and meow

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No like there are generally rules against throwing in events either for strategic purposes or otherwise

I would ask Eliza to clarify but I’d be surprised if she disagreed with me

Okay I read its iso. This is extremely normal for otter

i’ll trust you… for now


The VT claim is a running bit and she always sounds Like This. We go to the same school of earlygame opinionation. So yes I would say she can beat the allegations

Oh gagged

nice wolfclaim

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You’re against scissoring? Homophobic…

I kiss men I hate women (this is a joke)

I’m for scissors because thats How I win at rockpaper :v:

do u wanna play tic tac toe

How do you make tables again

Can we play Chest? :eyes:

at least 3 legs and a flat piece to place items on

Tic Tac Toe
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