Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Design PM


You could just. Make their votes public or smth

i don’t really? think the mafia thing needs more events
the setup is high kp anyway

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Oh I also need fakeclaims

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its gonna have to be public
but they could lie and say that it goes away (which it, without any setup knowledge, seems like it could) or they could just. not vote until xylo/apperant xylo

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KP calculations need to be made

I’m pretty sure we’re ok but not entirely

“by day 4, your votes will be reduced to two automatically. by day 5, to one”
would that work? it gives 3ish days of having fun (or 2 and a little)


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Executive Vigor Empire

Galactic Community Vote Gambler

Monetary Fuel (Passive) - You may hold up to a total of four votes. You may use all your actions in the same cycle.

Glaring Weaponization Flaw (Passive) - By Day 4, your total hold will by reduced to 2. By Day 5, your total hold will be reduced to 1.

Excess Grant (Day, D1) - During the first 12 hours of the day, choose a player. If they die via execution or event, gain a vote. - 1 use

Overclock (Night) - Transfer 1-3 votes into re-industralization. You will gain a 2% advantage in war, and a 1% less chance of dying via war declaration, per vote spent. - Infinite uses

Fund Edict (Night) - Target a player. If they die tonight or tommorow, permanently gain +1 vote weight. - Infinite uses

requesting approval

Is it being macho necessary now

I think the ability name is really funny

Oh also I need to add example cards to the OP

…it could be annoying for mafia if the doctor figures out that protecting the person with votes sounds like a good idea

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Votes are less powerful in mashes

Given they stop being an extra voter in LyLo

Er well

should it be removed?
i’ll transfer the passive name to the other passive

Yeah don’t make it macho

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