Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Design PM

this isnt a particularly event-focused mash regardless

i can try to think of some if ya want.

if you want more that is

go ahead

what events do we have currently?

oh. i have an idea

sheep is vaguely overused
we kinda need an easy event like that to ease people into the game
could we do sheep but with songs instead?


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it might… take a bit more work for the average person to listen to all of them
so… try to aim for 2 m or under?

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thats… completely unreasonable
4 minutes

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problem a:
what if people just submit the songs in the order they’re given
solution: put the worlds worst song in spot 2-3

along with my “bad” song
we should prolly have 6ish total
if anyone has songs they want to force people to listen to go ahead
(the quoting doesnt signify sarcasm.)

…if you want people to review the game asap i’d recommend specifically dming people about reviewing it.
otherwise its fine.
theres no real pressure on my end but i’d figure you’d want review to start early as possible

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Yeah I do

I dmed the review team group but no one responded

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…maybe reviewers dont check the site oft if they’re not reviewing?

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suggesting change for visibility

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It’s on discord

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…are you sure you cant review your own game