Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Design PM

do you have any. mechanical feedback


Not a lot on such short of a time tbh.

This is the speed run process lol

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insert obligatory icet “do we pass”

So here’s the thing, I have looked it over and nothing looks very off to me - but also I am not used to doing mashes which I admitted before taking this up. SO like, I could be missing something but I also trust you as a fellow reviewer who has gotten notes already and a few things have been adjusted.

Are there any mechs you think might be a problem? It’s sometimes hard to hone in on stuff when theres a lot there, any problem points you want my pov on?

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hm one sec

unassigned kill
Atlas would want me to say the Executive Vigor empire
(note to self: make memorialist not inherit infinite use investigations)
Megacorp corporation
Engimatic Engineering empire

yeah that’s good enough

added this

EE empire is fine.

what did you have in mind for megacorp?

masons are also fine

the second ability is literally just “send them memes”
I think atlas posted the n0 prompt somewhere one sec

here we are

I have no idea what they meant by this

i dont either lol. oracles can be weird, but if you have a list of parameters its fine.

sending them memes sounds fun. its a mash

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insert obligatory do we pass

yeah you pass

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I’ll ask arete when I can open

bumping for those who want to see the rolecards

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