What did he do EoD3 I already forgot

he put tutuu/kii/someone in the ita shots list

treasure too i think

D3 was yesterday? When baker was like, dying?


this was one of the things that he died for

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I already was mentally clearing baker on unreasonable bussing w/r/t shotlists, they organised shots on guava who was wolf KP. It’s entirely posisble they were just in antispew or bussing

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oh wait if he’s not infinite shot then he can’t give an extra kp to win immediately yeah

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But I’d have to look at the exact timing

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i’m still scared he could be town and shoot tutuu tho

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FoLers fucking love to bus.

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(in the wolfgame i played we very much avoided bussing)

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I almost said something like “simply ask him not to” but I don’t. Think. That would work

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Who was tour partner

hydra partner? spookycat
wolf partner? rhea

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Don’t know either of them. Not FoLers doesn’t count

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I hate bussing but that’s an anomaly I’m an unusualboy

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tbf i did frequently go like ‘yeah you can bus me nya’ in wolfchat
but that would never have been a good play

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I’m special

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so we didn’t do it
i didn’t want to bus rhea though

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