Everyone in Spectator chat especially Baker who made it quite clear we were TvW with his PoE expanding is just going to laugh at you all

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I’m gonna be fucking crying at Tutuu and hope they flip wolf in there

You and Someone are always town.

Brad and Slank are very likely town.

May + Tutuu look for

Zug + Maybe Sadbi as other

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You fucked up though because you die tonight

Tutuu either power wolf or throwing town

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if youre town wolves kill me if youre wolf town kills me
i know

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End of Day 4 Votecount

Treasure (5): Kiiruma, tutuu, Zugzwang, Sadbi, TheBlueElixir
May (4): Treasure, an_gorta_slanktai, BradLand, Someone
Kiiruma (1): May


@Treasure has been executed! They were…

Memorialist Empire

Galactic Community Universal Backup

Memorial Rites (Night) - Inherit all of target dead player’s abilities. You will not inherit abilities that can kill, nor will you inherit infinite use investigations… This ability is instant, and you can use your gained abilities on the same cycle. You may only target Galactic Community members. - 1 use

Night 4 begins to end 2023-12-27T19:00:00Z. Actions lock 2 hours before.


Hello everybody Eliza just woke up processing incoming

@TheBlueElixir has died in the night! They were…

Criminal Corporation

Galactic Community Gamer

Open Branch Office (Day) - Choose a (free) game. You, and a host of your choosing (if available), will compete in that game over the night. The game cannot be longer then 2 hours. If you win, gain a prize. You cannot choose the same game twice. (1 use)
Siphon Funds (Day) - A host will choose a (free) game. You, and the host, will compete in that game over the night. It will not be longer then 2 hours. If you win, regain a use of Open Branch Office - Infinite uses

@tutuu has died in the night! They were…

Galactic Force Projection Empire

Galactic Community War Specialist

Fleets upon Fleets (Passive) - If the defender dies in a war you are the Aggressor in, none of the Attackers involved in that war may die to wars for the rest of the day. Wars in which you are the Aggessor process first.

Military Announcement (Day) - Write an article of up to 200 characters. This may be used in the same cycle as your other day ability. - 2 uses

Propaganda Scheme (Day) - Write an article of up to 100 characters. This may be used at the same cycle as your other day ability. - Infinite uses

DAy 5 begins yadda yadda you get the idea

perhaps i should open the thread

also ngl is this not a scumslip

anyway I asked overnight and no, xylo isn’t announced

oh also wars are over

@BradLand I realize you were pinged a lot; what made you go with Tutuu over other candidates?