I remember reading over Cape’s ISO and finding it villagery. Reading up has helped this perspective.

Cape's recent posts

The sr cape posts have followed two trains led by two of my trs: tutuu finding Cape’s shot posts wolfy, and Zugz finding Cape’s neighborhood posts wolfy. The images in my dropdown are of these respectively.

Cape immediately gets cold feet after shooting rrw. This is hedging, this is suspicious.
Then Cape forwards the idea rrw would come back at the last minute and try to shoot a townie. I tried thinking about this from a v!Cape and a w!Cape perspective. This doesnt normally appear to v!Cape’s mind, but it is a possible fear. The real hit comes with considering w!Cape; its such blatant inconsistent thought process of suggesting v!rrw into w!rrw on the dime that I think a wolf would avoid doing it. Albeit this is the weaker of my two points.

Zugz finds it suspicious that Cape would try to read ash last night when ash was already dead. My problem with this read is that the case appears to be that Cape’s thought process is illogical; not that Cape’s thought process is wolfy. Once the argument’s goal is reframed like this: why would w!Cape try to read Ash? Though it does not make sense for v!Cape to read Ash it makes far less sense for w!Cape to read Ash. It exposes their thoughts & progression for a consensus town to read with zero room for wolf agenda. It makes more sense for a town with kp to be dying to know whether their target is town even if they cant do anything about it.

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how so

the ideas I had were that w!cape doesn’t want to appear certain, because that may appear like TMI
and that w!cape may have the thought of ‘oh I want to look like i’m solving’ without realizing the special circumstance that makes solving unnecessary

I dont think the tutuu wagon really needs more addressing but im yet to see any evidence he’s spent days as a town leader. He was a legitimate wagon for parts of yesterday.

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I see what you mean by this and although I can’t see the posts I think the act of trying to find ash’s alignment is more likely town worry/curiosity than wolf feeling the need to fake investigation into a kill he knows is confirmed.

I’ll give the argument wasn’t as strong as I thought it would be when I pulled the pieces together but I also think youre looking for w!Cape


… whoops

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Listen. It was possible

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I hate the two hats

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The santa is covering up my fucking Mets logo fuck you

This is the reason he is giving for why he chose to question Ash to learn how he thinks. This is a reason applicable only in that neighborhood, and nowhere else, and he’s using that as a reason he can’t point out occurrences of this play during the game.

The below quotes say that he always does this:

ANYAWAY time to re-evaluate then. I will come back in 5-10 minutes with the entire wolf team

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that’s true it could be that
though. it’s possible he wondered if i’d switch to him (which was a possibility in my mind fwiw)

may please be a rightboy for us nya



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i kinda am yeah

I’m thinking about baker’s claimed parity check as a strategic move. It doesn’t… really… make sense for a wolf who was in baker’s position to parity check two town, because then you force players to flip you before suspecting either of them, but it also doesn’t really make sense to parity check a wolf and a town if you think you’re going to die anyway, unless you expect people to expect the check to be V/V? I think it would heavily depend on exactly how long baker planned on surviving,,,, they did bus guava like hell despite guava being wolf KP, which threw me off really badly. Were they trying to deepwolf? Does someone trying to deepwolf parity check two town? Do they parity check a partner? Mods help

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I feel like there’s something here if I dig deep enough but I’m not sufficiently breaking the ground with my Shovel of the Mind

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There is a dent in my thumb from trying tolearn to play Guilty Gear

this isnt really true with a parity check imo
if I hadn’t TRed tutuu, I’d have considered flipping inside the pair without first flipping baker

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