Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Signups (30/30)

Why would I have a mango?

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But you are the mango

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You wouldn’t!

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13 alts to fill this up?



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oh lmao

/in (Hopefully, I’ll avoid getting killed d1 this game D:)


join the mash discord :pleading_face:

its linked in the OP

11 more!

Okay so I know I’m actively fucking with zorvo by posting shitposts asking him to join the game but don’t just go and out the man like that, he’s on a journey and he won’t have as good of a chance to learn if you cut him off now :)
I’m only doing that because Treasure called my music thread “the cringe music thread” and I think showing her to not throw stones from glass houses is funny. for the future I’d suggest bring it up to the person at most but like. keep it inside. You’re in the secret cool group now. At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter if treasure is zorvo. AS LONG AS THEY DON’T PLAY IN THE SAME GAME AS EACH OTHER, it is fine. No detective work needed. Playing metamafia with alts just leaves everyone paranoid, yknow?
Anyways this post is really funny if treasure isn’t zorvo. So I’m going to keep on acting like that’s the case.

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Steal as many people as you can gang

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I forgot the password to my alt

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skill issue

Imagine pokemon xros wars was like this

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I am not on my main laptop

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Where my password list is.

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if you share it with me I can remind you


Oh shit sure

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in but slank cover lmao.