You are very aware I am aware of this tell, you know


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I think it might be 1:30AM. “I don’t understand why you’re trying to use this tell against me when I’mm aware of it snd have specifically broken that meta” (in Sorc17er I opened wolfreading Arctic and he had me locked town all game)

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i do not remember this though
the most important things i took away from that game were funny mayposts and a healthy serving of tinfoil

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Ok I checked the post so now I remember what I was thinking. J didn’t read it when you asked at first. Specifically at that stage in the game I was less townreading Arctic - I was cautious about it at that stage, it wasn’t until he went very clearly… “gloves off I’m going to die tonight” that I felt confortable townreading him properly - as much as noting that he was. Like. Conforming to expected behaviour

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This is something everyone is always saying about people they are townreading and not null-kinda-leaning-townish-reading

how is mahjong going rn

also i am unfortunately Tired and aaaaaaaaa

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I’m so tired I’m not even playing mahjong I’m multitasking thread and staring at my spreadsheet stats idly

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mmmmmm multitasking
the annoying part about this is now i cannot analyze response times as hard

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and yeah i did just ask how mahjong was going to find out if you were multitasking

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while hopefully not triggering the ‘zug is obviuosly looking at timestamps again’ alarm

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i will singlehandedly make there be a third thread nyanyanyynaynaynaynaynaynaeyay aey nya thbthbthbthbt htb htb h taaaa

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there is truly such meaning the posts mean the meaning

Secifically I started townreading-townreading him gradually more as I found myself agreeing with like every read he put out. Especially his scumread on Luka who Iw as hard scumreading also. By the time it became apparent that we were Wrongboys on that one Arctic was like super dead. Or almost super dead and I just went “yeah I’ll think about Arctic if he’s Not shot”

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I am never not multitasking

I legitimately don’t have the mental capacity to do one thing at once unless I’m straight up about to pass out

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is this to say it was apparent d1 that you were wrong on w!luka

It became apparent when Luka flipped and his rolecard was green.

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