Story's Terrible Awful Mixtape (SEND ALBUMS)

I’ll get back to you in uh. At worst like 2 or 3 weeks going strictly off bus travel

I have so many albums to listen to. Is it okay if I also start giving my reviews of the albumthread albums

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fuck there should be a FoL music league i love doing music leagues

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whatever time to listen to 10,000 gecs

spoiler them please !!! I like going into music blind

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its only okay if you start with Pinkerton (Deluxe Edition) by Weezer

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i will also listen to 10000 gecs soon. Having a no sleeping week

so i have a spotify playlist called “overstimulation playlist” and it’s just like metal that i listen to when I want to be blasted with so much sound that I can listen to it to empty my brain. 100gecs’ whole entire bit is a similar but obviously distinct genre, but that’s where my tastes are for overall context.

Reads on each song:

dumbest girl alive starts strong with the thx sound and an incredible riff but this beat feels like someone bass boosted splatoon music to make it sound bad. sorry. then it gets back to the riff and that’s awesome.

757 once again starts strong but god the beat right at the end is blowing out my headphones. are my headphones the issue?

Hollywood Baby is… unfortunately going directly onto the playlist.

Frog on the floor is whiplash, in a nice way. It’s a nice pallete cleanser from the extremely heavy early album.

Doritos and Fritos is the song i"m listening to as I also write my frog on the floor thoughts. This is also a nice song, but not my thing. I think Frog on the Floor’s role as structural in the album isn’t super obvious from just it by itself, so listening to this song before writing my thoughts colors them. That being said, I’ll talk about this song some more lmfao sorry. I really like this guitar here and the bassline but the lyrics i just cannot take seriously. Which is the whole bit! So that’s fine. It’s just not my taste

Billy Knows Jamie is a return to the hard sounds of the early album, but not going nearly as hard. God this guitar player rocks, and the drum fill isn’t too bad either. The lyrics are the right amount of slurred and played over to make it onto the playlist, but unfortunately I am allergic to intermissions in the middle of songs. I want that tension baby. I also think the return from the intermission is a little too intense from what they’ve set up.

One Million Dollars is quite nice. It’s cool hearing the hiphop influence and using TTS vocals is really cute. It’s another song where it sounds like the joke is that they bass boosted the song to sound bad as a joke. It’s clever, just not for me

The Most Wanted Person is also cool with classic hip-hoppy influences. I think it goes a little too hard on mixing sound effects, but that’s taste. It’s fine

I did NOT expect I Got My Tooth Removed to be a ska song. I really dig this, and the trademark heavy autotune in some parts of the song gives it some texture that makes it quite distinct.

mememe feels a little bit like a synthesis of the themes of the album, musically, with the ska inspired guitar, rock inspired drums, electronic influences, and autotuned vocals. I quite like this song as the end of the album- It makes everything tie together really nicely. Genuinely good piece of music, it’s the only one here that i went back and listened to again just because I liked it.

Overall review:

The album starts off pretty weakly, but I was impressed by a lot of the structural choices and genre influences found throughout. I think based on this album 100gecs’ reputation as a “hyperpop” band is just… wrong? I mean, I’m sure they make hyperpop but it’s usually said derisively, like it’s the kind of music you can only like if you’re an 8 yr old on a sugar high. I was pleasantly surprised by the breadth of their sound. 7/10

Least favorite song: Doritos and Fritos
Favorite song: mememe


they cucking called me out in the anon game for saying drumroll and using the wrong “To” too many times


i should fix that typo.


This is wild

Portugal. The Man - American Ghetto

retain the spoiler please!!

yeah it’s just not my think. it’s a competant song, just not to my taste

and the sequel i haven’t actually watched yet

sorry my b

its just weird bc to me that song is like, very mid tier for 10000 gecs. like it isnt super out there and it isnt super IN there. it just doesnt seem like a song that would be thw worst or the best

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That’s sort of my issue. It didn’t stand out as much as the rest of the album. It wasn’t doing anything, it just felt baseline competant with the sort of lyrics I’m familiar with from other 100gecs songs I’m familiar with, like Stupid Horse


Gonna take a listen to the next album now.

I’ve literally never heard of this band before. I’m not sure what kind of music they play. This’ll be a great time.
…Or maybe not. I just took a look at the tracklist

Song by song:

Octan is nice, tense, and atmospheric, like lategame cutscene music in a JRPG. I like it a lot.
Thunder Bay is…bad? It feels a tad generic, just a backbeat with some mix ins, and then the percussion hits and it’s on an entirely different beat and mixed poorly ohhhhhhhh man
Cbat is… cbat. What is there to say about cbat that hasn’t already been said before. shrill bike horns squeeking out the worst melody known to man. gets kind of just below par towards the end when the horn’s pitch lowers and there’s more than the one terrible sounding instrument
All Your Love is sort of fine, a nice pallet cleanser after Cbat. It sounds sort of like something off of Daft Punk’s Discovery album, which i oh god the piano just kicked in @katze fuck you for real (slash light hearted). ends with more of the same Daft Punk- y sound. just cut the piano out. christ. it does not sound good
Thank you is fine. Unfortunately the whole song i was waiting for it to turn sour like the first sip of milk you’re not sure is good. christ. what an album

overall review:

Bad. 4/10. some parts of it were listenable. I legitimately like Octan.
Favorite: Octan
Least favorite: NOT cbat but thunder bay because it was so close to being listenable

how was that only sixteen minutes. christ.