Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

Last time, Zoro replied to me and was like oh okay let’s check this out oh wow nothing interesting time to go back and watch omori playthrough.

I need to like fix my brain.

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Disagree with this reasoning, there are people who easily and confidently lie out of nowhere, unprompted, about being town when they aren’t. Unless this is Jaiden-specific meta, but then the you sentence is a bit confusing.

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Well I got your point but I think he’s been passive overall so far and I don’t see how he fits into a “loud townlead” evaluation this game.

Interestingly enough i have caught scum plenty on early game posts so this type of discredit doesnt add up as i am not alone in this.

Jarek feels genuine enough in these exchanges tbh. So far it feels like most of the super active posters are passijg the vibe check which leads me to believe this might be a mostly boring game.

I am not fully caught up but can you tell me in what way zorvo has led town today iyo?

@Silviu200530 by quoting posts if you dont mind.

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Okay reset.


Silviu200530 - I don’t fuckin no

Neon - I’m obv town never rescind

Cream - town. Like the depth of thought and thought process in their posts. Find myself agreeing with a lot of what they are adding to the game. Its good.

Prisma101 - I don’t fucking no

Lissi - Town. Really like this catch up hits the same notes i remember from Lissi in the only other game we’ve played. They were town. I think. Pretty sure. Like 90% sure.

guavagudetama - town lean… fuck. I like how they are acting when fights happen but I’m nervous for a lot of little reasons.

Achromatic - do something…

Memes - town lean. I agree with a lot of what Memes is doing. I’ve followed along and agreed with his thoughts. I think his aggression is normal and that his emotional tone with Jarek is probably not scummy…I’d be legit upset if it was honestly lol

Jarek - scummy. I’ve gone into this a few times.

Magnus - scummy. I kinda think they are doing busy work and lacking an overarching world view. It almost feels too much like Magnus is trying to replicate their town behaviors.

Zorvo - I don’t knowwwwww

Jaiden - town. It’s for a dumb and secret reason. But I’m like 70% confident.

I know that I saw some posts that looked like aggressive!Zoro besides that entire bickering with Memes, let me see…

Lol Achro ninjaing my reads list

Hello my uwu friend. Would you describe zorvo as town leady at any juncture this game? What do you think of silv’s zorvo read?

Okay guys I think I almost nodded off just now while reading and I need to get up in 6.5 hours so I gotta sleep now I’m sorry but I swear I will try to catch up on the remaining 800 posts first thing tomorrow morning before class TwT doing laundry gives free time, so yeah


Amma be real with you guys. I thought Zoro was town because of this:

But now I seen it’s a response to Jaiden because Jaiden usually policy lynches Zoro.


Sighhhh let me ISO Zoro real quick

I would decidedly not say that. At all.

Bruh… what?

VOTE: silvui200530

I think you were just making up reasons to town read zorvo tbh.

Anyway i like the vibe of both guava and magnus going into frankly terrible reasons to town read people talking sbout simple jokes and easy to fake mindset things that arent great reasons to town read people but i think it reveals their charitable nature which is a town trait. Scum usually dont like to give town passes for things like that in my experience.

Here’s why @Lissi.

The doctor can’t use their ability two nights in a row… and we have twelve players.

Hello magnus please vote the scum with me.