Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

Am I missing something

That was meant to be an abstract example

have you read up
I pretty much dissect every post he made towards me and explain why theyre absolutely completely awful

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VOTE: Zorvo


Oh I’m no-voting

well yeah I wanna sleep vote but nobody wants to do that :sleeping:

you immediately responded to your ping like you were in the thread

I was initially voting Zoro to pressure him into answering my questions because he doesn’t like to be voted so it gives a different feel to his reactions.

But I am not having much luck


What is the benefit of not voting as opposed to putting your vote on sleep if that’s what you want

It was a coincidence I tabbed in to check the thread around about the time I got the ping so I was like “ok”

Isn’t no voting voting to sleep

And I don’t like the other 2 wagons… so I just remained here

am I wrong

Why are you giving abstract examples when the question was about what Zorvo did this game that made you have that impression

Who would you vote outside these 3 wagons?

I guess I don’t know for sure but people have been voting sleep like actually hitting the vote button and typing sleep so that’s what I assumed was voting to sleep

Re-read my post.

VOTE: No-Exe

is functionally the same as typing sleep so I don’t see how we’re going to rack the votes for this but ok

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sleep is just a funnier way of saying noexec

Prisma because I did not get anything from them, but sadly I don’t… have strong scum reads