Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

If team is actually zug / wind

Ah, okay. Thank you

(it’s not :crying_cat_face: )

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Lol I didn’t even see this when I made my post about that

If this is true why don’t you think it’s me?

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also I think the despair and confusion frmo Luka over the last 100 posts is always town holy shit


insert maypost about how you’re defensive and you wouldn’t do that as wolf and you don’t imitate your town game as wolf


I was thinking about you. I just… don’t get the feeling right now, I guess. I can’t put my finger on why.

the read I used to find a wolf in sorc17 when u fuckers killed me instead was assessing who’s playing like lost/confused town with no idea who’s mafia and moping around the place and who wasn’t. and it was very clear YBW was not playing like this. i kind of feel like psyx and to a lesser extent abigail are not playing like this in this game. moreso psyx. like this feels kinda a bad read to make because people can just be confident or whatever but that’s just not how i feel a villager would be parsing the game rn

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well I just read their recent posts and thought it was never them
then they said someone rated them as a really good wolf
so now I’m back to square one

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you ever see someone say
“stop voting villagers”
when they are voting a villager
and their alternative vote is your top town

i’m restraining from interacting because it will become a wrongboy shouting match but gawd damn


I think I keep circling back to Luka because I don’t have a good mental estimation of him. He’s scary for that reason. Mysterious. He was very towny as wolf early on in Owl House I remember but I wasn’t in that game so I don’t have good perspective on it,,,

Yeah you’re only allowed to have wrongboy shouting matches with Me


i’ll prob read that game then ig

but i already know abigail is a capable wolf which is why i’m kind of there by default

psyx seemed decently competent too but idk

Nightkills are extremely exciting here because they can’t NOT kill a townread

How the fuck are you supposed to pick the easy nightkill target when everyone in the damn game is an easy nightkill target

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yeah I have no fucking idea who is supposed to get nightkilled here other than lol for reasons because there isn’t a consensus lmao

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I think this is actually like, the goal of mafia. I think we’ve achieved perfect mafia. “Why do all the players not simply be townie?” This is the answer we’ve questioned for the

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I realised I fucked up that sentence and gave up and hit send

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I wish to become a compulsive suicide bomber


I wish for all players & one host to be sorted into teams of four who will compete in a game of Wavelength