Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

vote wind with me nyaa

I feel somewhat responsible for this

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you are :)

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oh and arctic is responsible for my use of blushing emojis this game


Hey Zug how heavy of a bowling ball do you use

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uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i think 8?
maybe 9

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why do you ask

I don’t!

I don’t mind a Windward wagon because I think they’re Arctic’s most likely wolfbuddy.

Both of them claiming they have “godreads” on each other gives them justification to “never doubt the other”.

And I know Arctic said they rescinded their townread on #1517, but curiously enough they don’t mention Wind again after that.

That game was my crowning achievement and I will never forget it

Fuck it we ball glgl

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It feels illegal to vote someone I’ve had a godread on for 3 years when my last read on them was town even though I do need to revisit them
so much to do but i dont wanna do it

@tutuu did this to me :blush:

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My friend always asks people that question out of the blue and I was gonna ask you if you were scum but I was like nah don’t feel like doing that what other question can I ask. And then I was like I know. My good friend Caff has the perfect solution to this problem


I could say some not great things but I won’t

i mean
a godread was wrong in the sorc17er…

Nya nya nya


nya? nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~


I’m not sure if I read this without realizing but I’m gonna assume I did because there’s no way I got a random sudden urge to bring up the fact I played bowling today without seeing this post

I did really badly except for when I got 2 strikes and that was my claim to fame but then I fell off again



We’re all collectively slowly merging into the same person. Every mafia game mixes our souls together a little more. Eventually we will be indistinguishable


FoL hivemind #cool

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