Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

is that still hurting a fly tho?
flies have feelings too

Idk, ask the fly

what fly

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His name Jeff


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What if this happens to me but I don’t do it on purpose

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The implication was (deliberate) sabotage. :nerd_face:

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Ideally in every single mafia game you should sabotage your chances to win every future mafia game

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I expressly explain every single one of my tells after every single wolfgame. You have to keep the pressure up. You have to keep the challenge on. People read me all the time on “yeah May said this about themselves earlier” and it’s very often correct

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And after every towngame I will explain exactly the tells I caught people on. I don’t give a shit. If you try to hide your own tells or hide other people’s tells from them you are a coward who will not survive the winter. If I can’t win explaining everything then I don’t deserve to win. Every mafia game I play should get progressively more difficult forever and ever. Otherwise what’s the point

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I will play up being polarised tho cause it’s funny

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Musings on self-voting

I remember self-voting one time. I did it because the game was mechlocked and I wasn’t mech cleared, so I basically needed to die to end the game and I wanted to do it faster by self-voting.

I believe there’s no reason to vote yourself, outside of very specific circumstances. If you’re a villager, you are the only 100% confirmed town member from your perspective – and you wouldn’t seriously vote a confirmed villager if another player was that villager, would you? The same thing should apply to your own slot.

I believe self-voting can work as a gambit, such as baiting the wolves to hammer you, or something like this. It’s risky, but it can work. Under most circumstances, however, I feel like self-voting as town is equivalent to voting out a confirmed villager, which you wouldn’t do if it was another player. Sure, every other player might think you’re mafia, but… you know you aren’t. It might be futile, but vote someone else. Who knows, maybe your voters’ minds will randomly change. I have the same opinion about voting your counterwagon during EoD even if you townread them – you know you’re town, but your townreads can be mafia, no matter how low the chance. Unless you’re getting run up alongside a mechcleared villager, which… I’m sorry, but what kind of game are you playing if that scenario can occur? And even then, I’d argue you should vote the player that isn’t yourself, because you know your rolecard says you’re town – and you can never know for sure if the other player’s does.

Self-voting as mafia has one really good application, in my opinion, and that is self-hammering when you’re outed. Doing this denies the village some time that it could use to read spew and doesn’t hurt your team in any way. The existence of this strategy is the reason why villages are hesitant to put outed wolves at L-1, so, clearly, it’s advantageous. Other than that, however, I can’t think of a situation where self-voting as mafia is helpful – barring non-serious contexts, of course, such as RVS, and barring weird mechanical stuff that can happen in unusual setups.

Story about not voting the CW

There was one game where I was mafia, and on day 2, the EoD wagons were me and another villager. I refused to vote that villager despite them being my CW, because I professed a townread on them and I said that I didn’t want them to be a wagon. Even when me not voting that villager was the difference between life and death, I didn’t vote them. The execution ended up randing, and it randed to that villager.

I remember doing that because I thought it would be considered towny. In hindsight, I believe it was wolfy. If I’m town in that position, I have two choices: vote the player who isn’t 100% town, or not vote them and let a 100% town player (myself) die. I could see some villagers doing this with the idea that their life isn’t valuable and they are better off dead, but in the context where I didn’t vote my counterwagon, I was clearly playing the game and I didn’t project wanting to die. I also didn’t project obstinate faith in my reads, because I didn’t spend that EoD spamvoting another player in an attempt to CFD. Me doing neither meant I wasn’t going to vote a <100% town player over a 100% town player, which meant I was making a suboptimal play despite being an active force in the thread and clearly caring about the execution, which meant I subconsciously didn’t see myself as a 100% town player and therefore I must have randed wolf.

Rather advanced read, but I do think it was a wolftell in the end, rather than a towntell.

Don’t read if you don’t like walls.


I agree with the first take. Self voting outside of those scenarios or other niche mech scenarios is just letting control go over your emotions, if you’re town. You can argue and lie to yourself that you had logical reasons but imo it’s just your emotions.

For the second take I agree it’s more pro-town to always self-pres but I don’t agree it’s a wolftell. In my experience it has been a towntell by villagers who are either confident in their reads or emotional or both. In my last game I was a counterwagon to a villager who self-voted to try to save me.


Yeah, I do think it can be a towntell, I just described why I think it was a wolftell in that particular scenario, given my other actions.

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