Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

Hey look I was right :p

I love you more

Are you wolf without may?

this is proof that Cait is w/w with Arctic and is making tmi reads tbhtbhtbhtbthbthbthbthbthtbh

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no i’m vt :(

Factional attacks are mandatory this game so I can’t do my “no one has to die” gimmick what do I even do now
I have to actually like play the game on day one that’s fucked up


have you ever drawn a game this way

How do you know you are still alive at SoD2?

I don’t plan on reading that article and I’m me so prepare to be annoyed by my gameplay and wish you never played with me!


i might not be but chances are I am
i’m not one to get killed n1 often :joy_cat: (and usually I can manage to not be the d1 lim either)

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Meh observation

Cover: Failed!

I’ve gotten close to d1 no exe but I think we executed Leafia instead

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that’s what I want you to think :joystick:

True I’m gonna n1 Cait so I don’t have to lie to her

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I would never wish that

Playing with you is the best mafia experience in the world always

Zugzwang actually just feels town though…

Ahhhhh okay

Also we played before, no? On MU?

Omg bigbrain

yes! the practice game for the champs semi-final