What makes you think that?
One sec, I’ll check his ISO.

He was pretty active and a town leader. He gave off PR vibes to me.

Unless he was claimvigged, no.

He was mostly discussing mech yesterday, he never deep analysed anyone and he never explained the reasoning behind most of his reads

Hmmm, Sulit could go both ways for me. I’d like to see more from her before deciding one way or another.

Yeah, he was probably a VT. I can’t see how he could’ve been claimvigged if he was a PR. He was really careful.

Sulit is initially willing to let Litten slide, because that was what the rest of the town was doing and she didn’t want to put herself into the line of fire. Sulit also seems to react poorly to Maynus’s early townlean on Litten’s opening post, and strongly argues that Litten deserves a stronger townread, which could indicate having TMI on Litten’s slot and wanting to pocket him. In her defence, Sulit does dedicate some of her time towards questioning Kiiruma on Garfooled his townread and actually sticking to this line of thought, and allows herself to be transparent. However, her final vote on Marluna has no real justification behind it, and her ISO lacks any significant substance imo

I wish Litten had stated the reasoning behind his reads. It would’ve helped out a ton.

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Hmmm, I think I see what you mean there.

VOTE: Sulit

Partnerships are weird though

True. This won’t be an easy one, especially with Litten dead now.

How does this pan out?
Does anyone have a wolf game from Garfooled anywhere yet?

I can’t quite recall.

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Litten’s death means we know his plan was in good faith, actually; we don’t have to tinfoil over his slot anymore, so I would argue it was beneficial overall.
I have the essay in hand. This is a bomb threat

You’re right about that much. I think it’s a good plan too.

Oh yeah, and I should be in your POE as well

There we go XD

You are. Although after both Marluna and Wiz flipped town, my confidence in my reads has been shaken up a lot, so I’m willing to consider the possibility that my read on you is wrong too. As well as you bringing up some good points about Sulit, which makes me think that some pressure on Sulit could be beneficial in developing a better read on her.

Garfooled should be here

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Good. The more people we have talking the better.

I’m slightly concerned about why he isn’t speaking, when he was here for SOD1

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