I’m asking for opinions on the current state of the game outside the expected. I’m asking for partnership reads and ways to progress the gamestate. If I can’t be winning at Mafia right now, however, I will instead be losing at Splatoon if anyone needs me

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Going to call it a night actually,so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

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(I don’t actually have Splatoon I lied)

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where the heck do you get that from lol

“Rest of the town was doing”

“Put herself into the line of fire”

I let Litten slide because I did not believe they’d push their plan that hard as a wolf ie “they said smart words”

I have no idea where you get the other two things from… kinda slimy to me

I literally have already explained to you that it’s not that I disagree with the read, it’s that I find the logic weird:

It’s a little strange that you’re still pushing this point despite me explaining it to you directly earlier.

My final vote was just a general gut off feeling about them and sheeping Litten’s read. Others I had reason to townread more or reason not to vote.


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I also don’t really like how Leafia is joining on my wagon based on her familiarity with my scum game and town game

Id like to comb through mays iso today to see if the weird logic continues in their newer posts tbh

I’ll have time to give everyone a look later today hopefully, I’m out sight seeing right now

Not really liking May based on yesterday

Leafia and magnus dropping ranks for me too

I don’t typically bus my partners, if anything I am the partner being bussed bc I strongly dislike rolling mafia

I can link you my latest scum games with the caviat they’re all over a year ago.


if I can remember them lmao

I’m gonna dip for a while to climb mountains

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To reiterate, you decided to trust Litten for what feels like a fairly weak reason, which is fine. But you then argued that Litten should be townread by May, which didn’t jive very well with the feeling of your initial read. It was pulled from an essay which was supposed to explain why you and Litten could be on a team, so it might not fit as much anymore? It makes sense to me, but whatever.
I don’t think it’s unfair to say that Litten was townread a lot yesterday, and you weren’t standing apart from the crowd like Marluna was by disagreeing with him.

Fine. But saying “the logic should have extended to that Litten probably would not be pushing hard to play this optimally if they were mafia, leading to a stronger townread”, still comes across as you saying that Litten should’ve been townread by May due to the logic they were using at the time. That’s just plain.

Would it be alright if you shared your thoughts on everyone else that’s alive, along with reasons to support those thoughts? You aren’t the first person to mention not having analysed certain players.

Mainly just “could you explain these”.
What are your thoughts on Garfooled? You were concerned when Leafia had him low in her readlist, and you were concerned about Kiiruma’s metaread on Gar yesterday, but you’ve had him as a townlean without much reasoning. I think you’re okay with having people explaining their answers, so I hope it isn’t just a “viberead”.

I wouldn’t mind having links to your past scumgames, but I’m willing to keep this in mind.

Have fun mountain climbing

@May are you also playing Splatoon or something?

Yea I can definitely do that when I get back to where I’m staying

As aforementioned im on vacation so I’m usually out and about and exclusively on mobile so it takes a lot more effort to make longer posts or quote posts

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I did it for u magnus :pleading_face:

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Couldn’t sleep and this feels like a villagery kind of defensiveness to me honestly, so I’m shifting my vote back to Gar.

VOTE: Garfooled

This I don’t like especially considering I only voted Sulit for pressure and one pressure vote isn’t exactly a wagon.

This I don’t care much for either.

I hope it’s all going well. As a matter of fact, your equity mostly comes from the behavior of those around you, more than anything you’ve really done yourself. As an example, here:

Leafia repeatedly taking the opportunity to hastily take her vote off Sulit while still wanting to appear willing to vote you if needed raises your partner equity. You also fit quite well as a partner with Gar, as I said earlier
(I did not say this earlier because I wanted to see how Leafia would act in regards to Sulit later in the day.)

As for Sulit’s actual defence… well, I think w!Leafia wouldn’t mind voting v!Sulit there. From my perspective, you’re probably both on the same team regardless of alignment? I mean, Leafia could be v and Sulit could be a wolf, but you get what I mean.
This is me playing too hard and too fast with my reads

Doesn’t this contradict?

Where is Kiiruma?

I was writing an essay in two and a half hours but it’s okay I’m autistic about the subject so it was really easy

I’m caught up now, but have a few things to do tonight and then I’ve got to get to bed, so I can’t do anything in-depth. I’m happy to realtime if anyone pings me with any particular questions. I want to study more on Magnus’s scumgames and Leafia’s towngames, as I’m not very familiar with either (I’ve been town with Leafia, but I always scumread her, so I never looked at them with the perspective of "alright, here are Leafia’s towntells).


giant mood

No. Those are twothings I don’t really like, but the rest sounded villagery enough to take my vote off of Sulit and put it back on Gar. The vote was onlyeber a pressurevote to se how Sulit reacted to it to help me improve my read on her. Now that has happened so I’ve moved my vote back where it belongs. I have an idea that’ll clear me too, one way or another. Whoever the hider is can hide behind me tonight. One way or another, I’ll be cleared, either through dying with the hider if wolves attack me, or the hider surviving if they don’t.