And u just brush this off

I’m so slow to the party

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For some reason I generally expect everyone to know at least what I know.

Honestly, this doesn’t feel faked.

I’ve been hearing interesting things from the host…

Just went through Garf’s iso and I find them pretty towny.

If I was at home on my desktop I would have been quoting posts that specifically made me feel this way but unfortunately I am sitting in the ground with my phone and making a wallpost of that type is just


But Garf has a lot of like questioning posts that make me feel like they’re really trying to pay attention and find wolves if that makes sense?

Hmmm lemme see if I can find one example

It’s like they’re actively looking and noticing things I think a wolf wouldn’t care to do

There’s a couple others like this that I liked

I also liked their treatment of Wiz:

I like how they notice stuff and call people out on it

In that it doesn’t feel like a mafia trying to pile onto a villager, and I also like their logic here, I can see v!Garf thinking this easily along with their own perspective of how they dealt with Litten’s post themselves

There’s a couple other things in their iso I liked but these are the highlights

I am angry I cannot make beautiful high quality wall post but this will do I guess :pensive:

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Right now around where I am at in the form of a tier list is

me :+1: :smiling_face: :pleading_face:

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Don’t you feel like Garfooled hasn’t really tried reading into too many slots, though?
Would you say that’s more of a villagery behavior, or does it indicate a closed mindset that’s indicative of Maf?
(You are being timed on your answers.)

I had the idea that Garfooled was TMI’ing Wiz as Town, and didn’t want to appear to eager to jump on that wagon because Wiz made himself claimviggable. Would you say that’s a bad take?

May thinking time. I gotta get to bed early, as I don’t want to be sleeping through the tournament, but I’ll give myself an exercise to do: a question for everybody in the game.

@Magnus You previously said that if you are hider, you would hide behind Leafia if Garfooled were W, and me otherwise. However, you had us both as “unlikely” partners for Garfooled in your chart. Do you still think that Leafia and I are about equally unlikely to be partnered, and if so, why make your hide conditional in this way?

@Kiiruma You currently believe Zenon to be mafia. Do you have any particular people in mind that would make likely partners for her?

@sulit Your read on me hailstoned a bit yesterday - you found me scummy, placed me in the middle of your read list yesterday, then voted me. Today, you went back and forth on my slot, before placing me in your bottom tier and then, again, voting me. Have you been indecisive about that read, or did it just change back and forth based on what I had been posting/the new information you have learned?

@Leafia You suspected Garfooled in the GI game, a suspicion which ended up being wrong. What in particular made/makes you think things are different this time around? Are there any particular tells you’ve noticed from him that make him differ from there?

@Zenon When you thought you were confirmed town because of Kiiruma’s possible Hider claim, you said you were just going to vote Leafia and then meme for the rest of the day. Memeing is admirable, but has your stance changed since Kiiruma admitted he didn’t hide behind you (if he is the hider)?

@Garfooled You kept Zenon in your POV, despite the fact that the thread once generally thought she was confirmed town thanks to Kiiruma’s hide, because you were confused about what Magnus had implied with the “charisma” line. Now that she’s back on the table by the rest of town as a vote, have your thoughts toward her at all shifted? If not, is there anything that you can point to as a tell that gave you the impression that Zenon was likely mafia?

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Leafia was mafosi in the GI game

I never TR Zenon, I’ve always been confused by everyone’s read on them
Bcus it all boiled down to gut.

I would be willing to vote them bcus they’re not particularly towny and Kiiruma is not a bad person to follow.

I don’t remember this

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So your read is all gut? Are there any posts you can point to from Zenon that gave you a bad vibe, or is it something completely passive?

That’s what Magnus was implying with the line about Zenon’s “natural charisma”. Kiiruma claimed he would hide behind Zenon yesterday, the hider dies if they hide behind mafia, most of thread believes Kiiruma is the Hider, and Kiiruma is not dead. Therefore, whoever Kiiruma hid behind, if he is hider, is clear. Until he came in and clarified otherwise, we thought Zenon was confirmed town.

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Zenon is usually more high effort, I think I mentioned they acted different imo this game.
But they also claim that they’re trying something new out (hence the alt)
But Leafia and Magnus claim they’re playing their town game supposedly
(That or they claim it’s their “charisma”)

The line about “charisma” was softing a belief that Kiiruma had made Zenon conftown, nothing more.

Yea I wasn’t in the loop

Part of this is lack of motivation and distraction, but I would like to note that I was one of the lowest posters in my earliest games, like Morbtainado and Flicker. Those were also some of my best games, so I’m trying a bit of a return to form here, and attempting to keep my iso clean and my posts dense by avoiding one-liners and consolidating my posts as much as possible.

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Dw May, I remembered that u were in 4 games at once

But also I forget ur in this game sometimes

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Hey, @Garfooled, could you remind me of your current reads other than Zenon?