I didn’t mention this but optimal party guy is to NOT throw a party night one because mafia are THROWING if they do not attack one of the big dogs hide targets

Everyone should claim they are going to hide behind someone, but the power roles should make it clear through their sheer green rolecard that they are a power role


I’m lost

I have no idea how to process this statement


ok lost wolf

I will assume that you are a lost townie who is confused on everything going around, rest assured, we shall win this game

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If we follow these rules, town will have a 91% chance of winning I estimate, if not higher, so I’m govinv Litten a slight townlean for coming up with them.

I suggest another rule to add to them too. Anyone claiming a role, even if it’s vanilla t pl wn,should be executed the day they claim. No exceptions, because they’ll die to the claimvig otherwise if they’re town. That wouldn’t be good.

What you’re doing isn’t villagery in the slightest. Scumlean from me.

I think if town listens to Litten this game, town just wins.

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VOTE: Garfooled

What’s so scummy about pointing out the things u did last game as scum?
U called me sheeping, what on earth about what I did was sheeping?

You voted me after someone else did and you’re only pointing out the times I did that as a wolf when that kind of thing isn’t AI for me.

I am wriitng tbis post so people still know I exist
Shocking, I know, I thought you guys may have forgotten that I existed in the game if I didn’t.


But I pointed out reasons, maybe u don’t agree with the stated reasons but I’m assuming sheeping is just following a vote just because someone else did

U could’ve ended it with, “that’s not alignment indicative for me” and then maybe sourced a game. But u decided to go on the offensive and call it scummy.

the amount of relief I felt at seeing my rolecard was immeasurable bro


btw I’m on vacation so my service might be spotty at times but I’ll try my best to be here when I do have service


It is Mahjong Monday

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I’ll digest ur beefy posts once I’m settled more irl

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Alright Litten’s town. It’s time for us to win the game.
There’s 2 wolves in your other 9.

VOTE: Zenon
This is one of them.


I called it what it is Garfooled. It should’ve been obvious that it isn’t AI. After all, you’ve been in severa L games with m eff and uou only votec me after someone else did.

@Litten I’ll be your secretary if you’re in need of one oh great dictator Litten.

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brb gotta get off a boat I’ll read in a min

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