Caught up on yesterday’s posts but skimming on today’s posts. Will read in detail when I have some free time.

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Zenon (2): Kiiruma, ElizaThePsycho
Leafia (2): May, Magnus
WizKvothe (1): Zenon
Garfooled (1): Leafia
May (1): sulit
Marluna (1): Litten

Not Voting (3): Marluna, WizKvothe, Garfooled

Manual votecount to prevent slowdown!

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Glad to see you caught up on the fairly early discussions there of what to claim and not to claim haha. Also it seems you agree with Litten’s stance on what to do when it comes to claims here.

Do you have any reads on others considering different reactions people have had to Litten?


This is not a real thought because you know perfectly well that I respond to pressure the same way as both alignments and most people think it’s in a acummy way. There’s a reason I was mislynched 4-5 times in a row as a villager D1 at one point.

Sure. Litten pointed out a few things about you that seemed scummy and I found myself agreeing with them.

I never said it was.

Wrong. You don’t need to mention a read to have one and you’ve played enough to know that.

No it isn’t. For what it’s worth, I lightly don’t think you’re w/w with Magnus, so if one of you flips wolf, I’ll definitely reevaluate the other.

This is just bad lol

Sweet. I’ll wait

you mean misty?
I used to be a reviewer too which is why I saw it

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that’s such a bad point when the exploit was much worse until I pointed it out and got it somewhat fixed in the fucking sign ups thread


No it isn’t. Your push on me is the only thing bad here.

What exploit are you talking about?

every PR claiming power role d1 wasn’t anti claimable until I pointed out that scum had to play perfectly in order to win the game, as they must 1. Not get hit by vig 3. Not get hit by executions three times in a row 3. Need to hit hider tsrget or they lose

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I’m surprised that you’re claiming to react in exactly the same way as either a villager or a wolf to pressure, when you’re simultaneously claiming to not have a strong grasp over your reactions

Ah. I see.

What’s so surprising about it? Whenever I get pressured, people always seem to think my reaction to that pressure is wolfy regardless of my actual alignment.

If you’re never pressured, nobody will be able to read into your reactions and determine your alignment. You’re basically claiming that you behave the same way when pushed as either alignment (which is inherently false, because the intent behind the reactions of a pushed villager of wolf are not aligned), claiming that I should “know better” and using this as an excuse to throw shade on my slot with no advance setup, which is not only defensive but also comes across as an attempt to dissuade anyone from ever pressuring you because “it makes you look bad”.

Don’t make me laugh Magnus. You know better than this. I have games upon games of proof proving you wrong and you don’t necessarily have to ap pl ly pressure to someone to figure out their alignment. I’ve been in numerous games as a villager where I’ve been scumread just because I was defending myself from pressure and/or a push.

You’ve said this a few times today and I don’t think it means anything. If I’m holding an unrealistic expectation, I’d expect someone else to call me out. This is a pedantic attempt to get me to back off for no good reason whatsoever.

At which point the burden should probably be on you to improve your ability instead of shrugging and going “oh, this always happens”. You’re beyond capable of expressing your towniness, I’ve seen you, so I don’t believe you.

Sure. It’s only one vital scumreading tool that you’re asking me to discard entirely

Out of curiosity, what even is your proposed alternative?

The fact that it’s been changed a bit and it’s still not great is rough for evil RIP.