There are 11 people in the game. Since roles don’t not flip upon their death, that means if a power role dies, we do not know if they die. The odds that we execute a mafia if we know all the power roles D1 sky rocket, plus, because town hider is actually a cop, we benefit from having the power roles obvious, because mafia cannot actually kill in the power roles before the hider dies, or they would be throwing, since hider will keep clearing people or find the mafia.
Do you understand this?

As then we have a 2/7 chance of hitting evils
(11-3-Me (From my PoV))

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From the sign up thread, but altered

Okay, let’s assume everyone plays optimally. All power roles act obvious, but do not claim power role. They agree to hide behind one of their scumreads

3 PR
6 VT
2 Mafia

Let us assume town executed a VT d1 and the vig killed a vt n1. Let us assume now that the hiders plan worked together and got themselves a clear from the VT (the plan always works btw, the hider death is meangiless in the grand scheme of the plan.). Let us also assume that mafia got lucky and killed the vigilante.

1 confirmed VT
3 VT
2 PR
2 Mafia

Then they execute another VT. Another town can be cleared if the hider did not die n1, because the plan still works. And the hider should NEVER die unless they target mafia, so they should get another clear unless we are in a world where mafia gets executed soon after.

2 confirmed VT
1 VT
1 PR
2 Mafia

bye bye

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I still don’t see why mafia can’t kill PRs.
They have 1/3 chance to hit hider if PRs are obvious. And 1/2 chance if vigi is super obvious…

Hider can confirm at most one town/mafia this way. Which is also not garantueed because we can’t tell if the hider died, or not…

Do you see what I mean? The vigilante dying n1 is beneficial to town, because the hider is more important for the mafia to get rid of. The mafia cannot night kill the hider ever, so they must either kil another power role and allow the hider to reveal a scum when the hider dies or allow the hider to clear a sus town, or hit the sus town and kill the hider

I’m stupid…
I instantly forgot what the hider do…

Yes we can. Anyone who is acting like an obvious power role is a potential hider. This is why I told people to claim whether they were vigilante or not. If two people are in the box, and they both claim not viiglante, they know the other ones role.


Each night they may hide behind a player. They cannot be attacked at night when doing this. The only way for them to die is if the hider targets mafia (which we would know, since the hider cannot naturally die at night) and we know who they claim they would hide behind, or the mafia hit the town, killing a sus town and making it harder for them to win.


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It may be hard to grasp, and that’s okay. Just remember that

  1. 3 power roles that are obvious can be removed from POE, thus increasing town hitting mafia
  2. Hider warps play so much that the scum team must try to eliminate the player the hider is hiding behind, or else they will lose unless they play flawlessly. In the scenario I described before, the hider made it so we had two confirmed VT and a PR alive in MYLO. That is just what it would look like if the town didn’t execute a mafia, imagine if town executed mafia at any point and the hider was still alive.

This is why I am not worried about a vigilante dying, a ciiglante is useful for removing a person from themselbes and another person from the POE

so its like transporter, vigilante gone = not shooting the transporter if they transport themselves with mafosi

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sure let’s go with that

I checked the game records and now have something to say. Wizkvothe first played in Need For Speed as maf. He mostly slanked D1 and then picked up steam as the game continued. Wiz seems to have a good grasp on that’s game’s social elements, as seen by the nightkills he made.
I’m just skimming that thread, I don’t know everyone’s meta if I haven’t played with them much

(Because I’m roleplaying as May.)

I will distract and misdirect you while I fish likes out of your back pocket, it’s a flawless setup.
Marluna is still town

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Hello everyone!

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We stay hungry we devour

Hey Wiz

Hey, Magnus. I have not caught up yet but soon will catch up. Also, SoD is like 3:30 AM for me that’s why I was absent…lol

For now, I have some things to do after that I will soon catch up.

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False. Town Kiiruma doesn’t just decide pre rand that I’m mafia. That’s dear. Kiiruma is scared cause I’m an amazing player that finds them all the time duh.

Spoiler:none of this is true probably maybe but kiiruma is scum cause vibes

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