Looking back at Garfooled’s ISO, he’s been acting like he doesn’t understand the game’s mechanics the entire time. This contrasts his behavior in Need For Speed, where he clearly understood the logic behind Eliza’s strongman. These roles are in the OP and Litten had a strong mechanical focus this game, so I’m surprised that he’s struggling more here than back there…


If I am the Hider, if Garfooled is executed and flips W, I will choose to hide behind Leafia, or else May if Garfooled flips V. If we instead execute Leafia, I will hide behind Garfooled if W, or else May.

What about if Zenon is executed

VOTE: Zenon

Gimme ur case on Zenon kiiruma?

So, Zenon is someone I’ve played with before a fair bit. I’m comparing Zenon’s behaviour to some other games I’ve played with in them and it just feels so… lacksidasical and wolfy.

Also, I was someone who said “If I was hider, I would hide behind Zenon”. Yet despite attacking someone who might be being hidden behind is a good move… mafia chose not to attack Zenon. This tells me that Zenon might just be mafia and mafia thought I might die anyway if I was the hider. Thankfully, I chose someone else if I’m the hider to avoid this.


Placing Zenon back in the PoE where she belongs then with her play today.

Pretty sure the hider is alive too.

Also, if I’m the hider, I hid behind Magnus last night and will hide behind Garfooled or Sulit, depending on which is alive tonight. If both are alive, I’ll Wifom my decision of who to hide behind if we flip a wolf today.

If we flip village, I’ll hide behind Kiiruma or Zenon if I’m the hider.


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that last bit is a good argument

I will hopefully have some time to chill and play mafia tonight so I’ll go through garf and mays ISOs likely

I should stop talking about vacation stuff in thread prolly just surfed for the first time and I’m very excited about it


if anyone cough @Magnus cough could gimme a rundown on how May usually plays I’d appreciate it

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Was he town in that game?

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Yes Garfooled was town in Need For Speed.

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Magnus u liar, Kiiruma told me how the strongman thing worked, I had no idea till I was informed

How am I supposed to put this into words that make sense… May and I play very similarly, although I usually rely on pressure and May relies on seeing how people act after being townread or scumread in any given direction. As a villager, May can be known for playing “passively” during the early stages of the game, either by going along with the flow to see how people behave or just trying to play along. May will usually stick it out on some random wagon that isn’t likely to go through, unless he’s going to die; May has a strong enough self-preservation instinct as either alignment. May’s also a capable enough player of forming correct or plausible reads against the rest of the town, although she usually doesn’t if she’s not feeling super invested in the game.
This should suffice to begin with.

Yes. He also survived until endgame


Can @Kiiruma confirm?

I thought Eliza could be mafosi bcus they “roleblocked” my heal, but mafosi couldn’t even get the roleblocker item

U were in the game too and cleared me for it. W h a t?

You were bringing up Eliza as an evil candidate near the very beginning of the day, before Kiiruma was there. You understood that much.

I said they mightve roleblocked. I didn’t even bring up strongman till Kiiruma did