Are y’all seeing what I’m seeing?
Or am I being paranoid
VOTE: Magnus

You never challenged Kiiruma’s read on you, you haven’t read the roles in the OP, and you haven’t mentioned a social read on Kiiruma. This doesn’t line up with you appealing to Kiiruma here… or implying like you thought Kiiruma was Town up here.
This might be a stretch, I dunno. @Leafia what do you think?

I genuinely don’t know what you think I want here.

The box thing.
That’s why.

So you did pay attention to the mech.

I think it’s Garfooled panicking like the caught wolf that he is. Hopefully he’s the claimvig.

I paid attention to what Litten said to a point. I also have goldfish memory, so I’ll have to reread D1.

I’m getting Mafia Fool vibes here. In the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter which mafia role someone is, they could just swap responsibilities or whatever.

I don’t mine either Leafia or Magnus gone.
They’re in cahoots
And if Magnus got the answer they wanted from me, they wouldn’t be pushing me.

I appreciate it…

I can defintiely see May’s passiveness in their ISO.

Along with the weirdness earlier in their iso I already talked about, they just seem really floaty without any strong convictions or reads

They’re really just commentating if that makes sense I don’t really see them trying to solve very much anywhere or a continuous line of thought and consistent reads

I am liking their more recent posts because they seem to be following a line of solving but once again they aren’t really going anywhere with it. I’m excited to see their future promised analysis.

What are your thoughts regarding this as you know May better

That’s possible too. Probably more likely actually.

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What were your reads D1?

You can’t accuse me of pushing you if I’m not voting you; yes, that’s how it works.




My reads D1? I just didn’t like Leafia or u

I’m grouping both u and Leafia, that’s what I meant by pushing.

Also it is consistent with me to only grasp mechanics fully in late game. I never read OP fully bcus I usually ask others about it.

May tends to make jokes about being made to play the game, so you can feel free to hardaccuse May and try to reel them in. I think he’d appreciate it as Town, or hate it as Mafia.

I would say this is a strong sign of May not engaging in the game as much as I would’ve liked. May is the sort to ask probing questions on a fairly regular basis, and tends to at least fall into the camp of mid-posters. I haven’t really liked their activity, but May is usually suspected in most games for about similar reasons?
Including in their recent wolfgames, iirc. Might be feeling dead inside

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That being said, I will read everything soon, I’m just dreading it

ah… ok i get it now

Do you understand the importance of why I asked this question? Because you’re right, you mentioned having suspicion on both Leafia and I, which dissolved and so you ended D1 without voting anyone.
(You also didn’t vote anyone at the end of Need For Speed’s D1, but that game was far less active than this one. Even then, you talked to and about Leafia, Achro, Litten, Icet and Jake.

This wasn’t just made up on the spot, cool.