[RP] T.O.M.M.Y.G.U.N - Someone, Zone_Q11, Keldi, and Squirrel2412 lived.


looks like it’s just me and magnus then

it was nice knowing you all


Yea ngl, the stats are much harder for me lmao

there is not enough points :sob:


i looked at the math and it makes me want to crush my skull

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Question. @Atlas Is magic a well-known thing? I didn’t see anything in the OP about it besides it’s in the stats.


[this is not said in my character’s voice, I’m just practicing]

[been a while since I did RP]

I remember last time.

We walked in there, eyes bright, heads held high. We didn’t know the horrors we would encounter in there. Monsters stalking the vents, hunters with flintlock rifles, squirrels delivering pizza… it was a bloodbath.

I hear them now. The sounds of screams and death, intermingled with that cursed voice whispering in my ears. “Processing begins…” “Processing ends…” On and on and on, cycling endlessly until I don’t even know what the word processing even means, just that I want it to stop, and-


Only four.

That’s how many made it out, out of a team that started ten strong. Forty percent. That’s a failing grade, a quadruple decimation, a number so low it makes coin flips look good in comparison.

You think we’re gonna go into whatever sick, twisted madness Atlas cooked up and get out unscathed? Please. We’d be lucky if half of us survive.


(on a more serious note, though, literally half the people died cuz they just stopped playing the game)

(don’t be those people)


you can add flaws to your character


also judging by the examples you can have abilities that add stats at a rate of roughly 1 point per ability level

I know, even then its tough

im considering this ngl

why have abilities when you can have 15 stat points


cuz cool

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i say this as if i’m not about to try and make the shittiest build ever for story reasons or some shit


Im off to sleep for the night, gn :wave:

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The trick is to not think about optimalization, and just add points that fits your character.


[The Forge Algorithmic looks up from where they’re pouring an inordinate amount of insanity and flaws into their character creation pot, like applying vanilla extract to a poorly planned-out cake.]

Y’all aren’t?

i kept failing to get up because i had to do things in rhe morning
sending you stuff now

[@Silviu200530] - [Commander]
[@Italy] - [1st Lieutenant]
[@Keldi] - [2nd Lieutenant]
[@Squirrel2412] - [Liason-Officer]
[@Magnus] - [Clandestine-Operative]
[@Someone] - [The Detective]


game full
eveyone say whether or not they wanna switch
keldi was given 2nd lie cause it was the only one left


if nobody wants to i’ll start sending out your chara specific things

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